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Czech Benchmarking Experience

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1 Czech Benchmarking Experience
Jiří Loudín Sofia 19th November 2004

2 Czech Public R&D – EIS 2003 Sofia 19th November 2004

3 Czech BERD – EIS 2003 Sofia 19th November 2004

4 Czech Innovation – EIS 2003 Sofia 19th November 2004

5 Innovation trend – IES 2003 Sofia 19th November 2004

6 Evaluation system - Academy
soon after Academy of Sciences - international standards – international evaluators defensive strategy against attacks – to prove scientific excellence 1993 – AS R&D personnel reduced by a half evaluation applied in reduction Sofia 19th November 2004

7 Spreading of system university growing – not strong need for evaluation industrial research privatised late 90ies – adoption of evaluation by other public R&D organizations various schemes and standards Sofia 19th November 2004

8 Weak points oriented on science indicators while neglecting innovation (patents, products, etc.) unsatisfactory ex-post evaluation weak link to funding low standards and requirements (to preserve what survived from R&D) Sofia 19th November 2004

9 Evaluation guidelines 2004
government resolution on evaluation R&D unification and quantification – „to make it objective“ based on centralized available statistical data administrative (bureacratic) form of institutionalization? Sofia 19th November 2004

10 CZ Benchmarking in public RTD not well established yet
neither well defined nor institutionalized rather „informal benchmarking“ intuitive benchmarking in communication and conducting research Sofia 19th November 2004

11 Institutionalization
advanced world based on institutions transition countries culture: strategy of individual ingenuity and survival B: not to pick up champions (we know them) but to analyze and specify their success – to fix it in some schemes to be followed by others – to enable to „everybody“ to become excellent we are suspicious and sceptical about institutns and schemes Sofia 19th November 2004

12 RECORD CZ Quantitative survey: 401 R+D units addressed
140 R+D units responsed including - 52 HE units - 42 AS CR units - 37 BERD units Sofia 19th November 2004

13 Readiness for benchmarking
successful R+D units business-like R+D units: benchmarking as PR, self-promotion, image-building interested in learning curiosity Sofia 19th November 2004

14 Reluctance to benchmarking
mental block: to be compared with friends and neighbours? difficult task: to mix competition and co-operation fear to fail no benefit for us Sofia 19th November 2004

15 Qualitative benchmarking
QB – necessity live interactions/interview learning process for both sides B as specific expertise/know-how self-reflection - BB Sofia 19th November 2004

16 Case studies Department of Cybernetics, CTU
Centre for Molecular and Gene Biotechnology, AS Aeronautical Research and Test Institute Centers of Excellence Sofia 19th November 2004

17 Case studies lessons+reflections
balanced distribution of competencies synthesizing competencies – to mix science and business culture human factor – do charismatic leaders matter so strong due to low level of institutional infrastructure/culture? to convert individual excellence into a system Sofia 19th November 2004

18 Troubles with champions
exceptional people/institutions are exceptional – contingency search for excellence or for learning potential? high learning potential of failures and dynamic cases (they move fast either up or down) Sofia 19th November 2004

19 Benchmarking know-how
learning process for both sides who should be benchmarkers? –administrative bodies, reseachers/peers, benchmarking experts? benchmarking as expertise Sofia 19th November 2004

20 Communication strategies
defence strategies of evaluated units: effort for self-promotion, hiding the weak points denying the competences of the interviewer – expert-lay (master-disciple) relationship, supremacy of specific scientific discipline B as co-operative/competitive project – interviwer must prove his excellence, he is „benchmarked“ Sofia 19th November 2004

21 Thank you and good luck in benchmarking Sofia 19th November 2004

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