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BPA Ordering Officer Training

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1 BPA Ordering Officer Training
. 88 CONS/PK Revised November 2004

2 Blanket Purchase Agreement
Overview Description Decentralized BPA Purchases General Ethics Purchase Requests and Receipt Competition Requirements Purchases and Administration .

3 Blanket Purchase Agreements
Description A blanket purchase agreement (BPA) is a simplified method of filling anticipated repetitive needs for supplies or services by establishing "charge accounts'' with qualified sources of supply. A BPA is not a contract. .

4 Blanket Purchase Agreements
Description Terms and conditions of the agreement are established in advance, which govern future purchases (if any) made against the BPA. The Government is only obligated to the extent of authorized calls actually placed against the BPA and the vendor is not obligated to perform in response to a call placed against the BPA. BPAs are usually established with multiple vendor’s for the same product/service to mitigate the impact if a vendor declines to perform. .

5 Blanket Purchase Agreements
Decentralization of BPA Purchases Decentralized purchasing frees contracting personnel from having to make repetitive, routine/non-complex purchases. Decentralized BPAs are pre-priced, which precludes the need to negotiate prices each time a purchase is made. .

6 Blanket Purchase Agreements
Decentralization of BPA Purchases Functional activities must submit written requests to establish a BPA Commanders must nominate personnel in writing to place calls against a pre-priced, decentralized BPA. A Contracting Officer (CO) with requisite authority appoints Ordering Officers (OO) in writing after providing appropriate training. 30 of 39 personnel 100% ready. Remainder require some form of ancillary training, mobility shots, passports, etc. Certain vaccines now given only as required based on location of deployment. Anticipated Get Well date: Jan 02. Passports can take 90 days or more Ancillary training and DAU course for deployable personnel only DCG must be exercised annually as a minimum, but historically has been exercised quarterly FM/PK 1998 AFMC Top Dollar Champs, 1998 Best Contracting Team, 2000 AFMC/USAF Best Contracting Team/Best Finance Team and overall champs

7 Blanket Purchase Agreements
Decentralization of BPA Purchases OO acknowledges receipt of training in writing. OO authority cannot be re-delegated Appointment limited to purchases of pre-priced items approved by the CO from the contractor’s price list Single purchase limits are established by the CO and specified in the OO appointment letter

8 Blanket Purchase Agreements
Decentralization of BPA Purchases Termination of appointment is at the discretion of Appointing authority for misconduct or poor performance, per the nominating commander’s request, due to OO redeployment or termination of supported operation, etc. Upon termination, the CO can appoint other functional personnel as OOs for the existing BPA

9 Blanket Purchase Agreements
General Ethics Be impartial and do not provide preferential treatment to any vendor Avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of a conflict Do not solicit or accept, directly or indirectly, any gratuity, gift, favor, entertainment, loan, or anything of monetary value from a vendor. Do not be employed by or seek employment with any vendor with whom you do business.

10 Blanket Purchase Agreements
General Ethics Consult contracting and the JAG before making a purchase or taking any action that poses a question pertaining to ethics. Document the advice received from Contracting and/or the JAG and file it with the record of any resulting purchase.

11 Blanket Purchase Agreements
Purchase Requests and Receipt To avoid potential conflicts, purchases should be supported by a written request for supplies or services from someone other than the OO that demonstrates a bona fide need for the item purchased Likewise, purchases should be supported by a written acknowledgment of receipt for supplies or services executed by a third party from the activity with the need

12 Blanket Purchase Agreements
Competition Requirements If multiple BPAs are decentralized, the OO shall purchase from BPAs offering the lowest price for the same item OO must explain in writing purchase of higher priced items from one BPA that are listed in another decentralized BPA at lower prices OO should rotate purchases among vendors that provide the same supplies/services at virtually the same prices .

13 Blanket Purchase Agreements
Competition Requirements OO must document competition efforts for purchase of pre- priced items whose aggregate total exceeds the micro-purchase threshold Competitive price quotes from two or more vendors in the same business offering similar supplies/services is the preferred method of establishing competition. .

14 Blanket Purchase Agreements
Purchases &Administration OO must obtain funding from Finance before making purchases. OO must maintain a BPA folder provided by the CO per the written instructions provided by the CO OO must document each purchase in a call register OO must submit call registers to Contracting and Finance monthly Contracting will conduct surveillance of decentralized BPA .

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