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Expeditionary Learning Professional Development

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1 Expeditionary Learning Professional Development
Learning Targets Expeditionary Learning Professional Development

2 Welcome Norms for Collaboration

3 What is student engaged assessment?
A system of interrelated practices that positions students as leaders of their own learning. Embedded in EL’s 3-8 curriculum to close achievement gaps and help all students succeed.

4 Our Learning Targets I can describe what student engaged assessment is and why it is important. I can describe the impact of bringing curriculum to life through student-friendly learning targets

5 Learning Target Tracker (p. 112)
Please locate the Learning Target Tracker in your Participant Notebook. Take a moment to assess where you are in meeting these targets AT THE MOMENT. Mark where you are for each Learning Target with a symbol or the time. We will revisit this tracker at the end of this session to see how your understanding of this information has grown.

6 Introduction to student engaged assessment
Read pages 6-12 from the introduction to Leaders of Their Own Learning. Use What, So What, Now What note-catcher (p. 113) to identify 5 specific ideas from the article (in the What section) and why those ideas stood out to you (in the So What section). In 15 minutes, we will share out in triads.

7 What, So What, Now What Protocol
First person shares out their first “What” selection from the text, then describes the “So What” from the first selection. (2 minutes) The other two people respond to what the first person says in 1 minute or less per person. After the other two have shared, the first person then shares the “Now What” idea and any other ideas heard from the other two people. (1 minute) The process repeats until each person has had a round to share a “What” and a “So What”

8 Synthesis In your triads from the previous protocol, describe what student engaged assessment is and why it is important. Be ready to share a response with the group.

9 The Power of Learning Targets
I can describe the impact of bringing curriculum to life through student-friendly learning targets. Learning Targets (LTs) are the focus for the beginning of every lesson and the basis for lesson closure.

10 Learning Targets: The Foundation

11 The Power of Learning Targets
Use the first page of the “Learning Targets Jigsaw Note-catcher” (pp ) as you watch the following video where students talk about the use of learning targets.

12 Kids Discuss the Power of Learning Targets

13 Think-Pair-Share Find a partner at your table.
Share your reactions to the video with your partner.

14 Learning Target Jigsaw
Find another partnership to form a quad You will jigsaw a section of Leaders of Their Own Learning. Partner 1 reads pp (stopping at “Using Learning Targets”) Partner 2 reads pp Partner 3 reads pp Partner 4 reads pp (stopping at “Schoolwide Implementation”) After 5 minutes, take turns sharing out the most important points of your text.

15 Students Unpack a Learning Target

16 Synthesis In table groups, share out one way you noticed learning targets being used to help make the curriculum accessible and engaging for students.

17 Closing: Learning Targets Reflection
I can describe what student engaged assessment is and why it is important. I can describe the impact of bringing curriculum to life through student-friendly learning targets

18 Revisiting the Learning Target Tracker (p. 112)
Take a moment to assess where you are now in meeting these targets. Mark where you with a different symbol or the time. How has your understanding of the learning targets grown?

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