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Evolution and Natural Selection

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution and Natural Selection"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolution and Natural Selection

2 Theory of Evolution Evolution = Change in a population over time
Theories = explanation of a natural phenomenon Theories can be either supported or disproved but never proven What phenomenon does evolution explain? Every organism is different (diversity) All organisms have things in common (Genetic code)

3 Theory of Evolution 2 Views of evolution:
Microevolution = Small changes over short periods of time Supports improvements in existing species Macroevolution = small changes accumulating over long periods of time resulting in major changes Supports the formation of new species

4 Three Types of Evolution
Divergent – similar Organisms become increasingly different because of different types of environments (ex. Darwin’s Finches)


6 Three Types of Evolution
Convergent – different organisms become increasingly similar because of similar types of environments (ex. Sharks and dolphins)


8 Three Types of Evolution
Coevolution (Parallel) - two non-related species change because of their close interactions (ex. Predator/prey or plant/pollinator)

9 Cladogram Cladogram = tree showing evolutionary relationships based on similar characteristics Shows divergent evolution What trait separates rodents from birds? Which two species are more related, crocodiles and birds or crocodiles and rabbits?

10 Natural Selection Natural Selection = organisms adapt to their environment (“survival of the fittest”)

11 History of Natural Selection Theory
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1700s) = first person to state organisms change over time and new organisms are modified from descendants of older organisms Theory of Acquired Traits

12 History of Natural Selection Theory
Charles Darwin (1800s) – sailed on the H.M.S. Beagle and gathered data from organisms (fossils, finches, etc.)

13 Charles Darwin From his data, Darwin hypothesized that all species descended from one or few original types of life He concluded that the way species/organisms change over time was by natural selection

14 Process of Natural Selection
Must have a variation in traits of a population (different genes) Must have environmental pressures that favor one variation of that trait over the other Organisms with better traits survive better and longer, reproduce, and pass those good traits to offspring Result = population better suited for environment

15 What causes evolution to happen?
Natural Selection Geographic Isolation Organisms become isolated by geographic barrier If they are no longer able to reproduce, they may become two separate species (speciation) Artificial Selection Humans choose which traits to select for (ex. Dog breeding, genetic engineering, etc.)


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