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Performance-based specifications Work Package 5

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1 Performance-based specifications Work Package 5
Modelling of permanent deformation in unbound granular and bituminous materials Mid-term meeting London

2 Partners in Work Package 5
Danish Road Institute, DRI, DK (subcontractor : Asfaltindustrien), AI, DK Laboratoire Central des Pont et Chaussées, LCPC, F Instituto Superior Tèchnico, IST, P Institut für Strassenbau und Strassenunterhaltung, Technishes Universität, Wien, ISTU, A Shell Global Solutions S.A., SHELL, F Transport Research Laboratory, TRL, UK Mid-term meeting London

3 Key personal in Work Package 5
Erik Nielsen, DRI/AI, leader of WP and task 5.1 Pierre Hornych, LCPC, leader of task 5.2 Absamad El Abd, LCPC Antonio Gomez Correia, IST Sandra M. R. Ferreira, IST Ronald Blab, ISTU, leader of task 5.3 Barbara Gagliano, ISTU Karl Franz Kappl, ISTU Michael Wistuba, ISTU, liason to COST 347 Richard C. Koole, SHELL Laurent Porot, SHELL Cliff Nicholls, TRL Mid-term meeting London

4 Mid-term meeting London
Objectives prepare and facilitate the production of a new set of performance-based specifications for pavement materials focus on permanent deformation in unbound granular and bituminous layers assess and develop predictive models for permanent deformation make the models independent on the nature of the materials (both traditional and alternative) Mid-term meeting London

5 Tasks defined to reach the objectives
Task 5.1 collect a database of well-docu-mented real loading tests (RLT) and accele-rated loading tests (ALT) to fit the need of other activities in Work Package 5 (this task is clearly a supportive activity to facilitate the calibration and validation of the main objective of Work Package 5) Mid-term meeting London

6 Tasks defined to reach the objective
Main activity is to assess and develop models of predictive nature together with associated test protocols to provide the necessary input for the models describing permanent defor-mation. Task 5.2 concerns unbound granular materials Task 5.3 concerns bituminous materials Mid-term meeting London

7 Achievements so far in the project
Two reports (Deliverable D10 and D11) – for unbound granular and bituminous materials respectively – describe the assessment / development of the possible candidate models and associated test methods needed to model permanent deformation of the material in question. The reports have been through a review process and are now approved for publication on the public part of the SAMARIS project website. Mid-term meeting London

8 Achievements so far in the project
The reports divide the models in two levels Routine level models which include ”mixed” models combining empirical and visco-elastic-plastic models Advanced level models have - compared to routine levels models - increased complexity and have higher demands on the input parameters (Subsequently these models will be used for larger projects) You could argue that in complexity research level models were the highest level with stringent requirements for amount and degree of detail in input parameters, but this level is considered outside the scope of SAMARIS. Mid-term meeting London

9 Routine level model candidates
Unbound granular materials Empirical relationship for unbound materials (Gidel et al.) Bituminous materials Belgian Road Research Centre method for predicting the permanent deformation under simplified stress conditions Rutting prediction by Shell Pavement Design Manual Permanent deformation response – SHRP level I Mid-term meeting London

10 Advanced level model candidates
Unbound granular materials Incremental elasto-plastic models (Chazallon et al.) Bituminous materials Permanent deformation response – SHRP level II The DBN model (Di Benedetto – Neifar) The Asphalt Concrete Response (ACRe) model (S. Erkens) Mid-term meeting London

11 Mid-term meeting London
Data for the models A database report (Deliverable D6) describes the strategy for search for well-documented RLT/ALTs that can facilitate the next step in the work which is calibration and validation of selected models from the initial work (Deliverables D10/D11). The report tries to explain how some of the constraints or requirements from the models to the input data have influenced the selection of RLT/ALTs. This report has been through a review process and is approved for publication on the public part of the SAMARIS project website. Mid-term meeting London

12 Origin of selected data
Mid-term meeting London

13 Extra laboratory works
Both for unbound granular and bituminous materials extra information or more detailed input is needed Laboratory works are in progress in order to provide this additional information Mid-term meeting London

14 Extra laboratory works (unbound granular materials)
LCPC and IST have planned a test programme which includes common part for both laboratories loading for resilient behaviour loading for multi-stages permanent deformation tests loading for single-stage permanent deformation tests complimentary test programme for IST 1 loading for resilient behaviour 2 loading for multi-stages permanent deformation tests 1 loading for single-stage permanent deformation test complimentary test programme for LCPC 4 monotonic triaxial shear test and then at two different water content 3 loading for multi-stages permanent deformation tests Mid-term meeting London

15 Extra laboratory works (bituminous materials)
Laboratory plan for material samples for LAVOC Mid-term meeting London

16 Extra laboratory works (bituminous materials)
Large scale Wheel Tracking with Danish Asphalt Rut Tester When all the ALT testing for other projects are finished at LAVOC a detailed assessment can be made for sampling large pavement slabs for Danish Asphalt Rut Tester (will it be possible to cut representative, ”virgin” samples for the pavement at LAVOC ? ) Planning of bituminous test pavement with ”alternative” materials (incorporated in both surface layer and binder course) has started and a potential site has been chosen. Length of pavement and number of samples for Danish Asphalt Rut Tester will depend on the outcome from LAVOC. Production of test pavement is expected in last part of August 2004 and apart from samples for Danish Asphalt Rut Tester additional tests will be planned (e.g. comparison between some of the different equipments for wheel tracking test in accordance with EN ). Mid-term meeting London

17 Extra laboratory works
Unbound granular materials LCPC and IST have estimated that approx. 25 % of their laboratory activity on the unbound materials. Bituminous materials Samples for ”small size tests” will be cut and distributed from ISTU this month for laboratories at SHELL and TRL. The majority of laboratory work is expected to be finished before the end of this year. Mid-term meeting London

18 Calibration and validation
The second part of the SAMARIS project with respect to Work Package 5 is the calibration and validation of selected models When the models are verified, WP 5 will be able to give recommendations for a new set of performance-based specification. Mid-term meeting London

19 Work Package 5 : Gantt chart
Mid-term meeting London

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