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Comisiynydd y Gymraeg Cyfleoedd, cynllunio a’r camau nesaf

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Presentation on theme: "Comisiynydd y Gymraeg Cyfleoedd, cynllunio a’r camau nesaf"— Presentation transcript:

1 Comisiynydd y Gymraeg Cyfleoedd, cynllunio a’r camau nesaf Welsh Language Commissioner Opportunities, planning and next steps

2 Cyflwyniad - Comisiynydd y Gymraeg
Introduction - Welsh Language Commissioner Cefndir Mesur y Gymraeg (Cymru) 2011 Mae statws swyddogol i’r Gymraeg yng Nghymru Creu swydd Comisiynydd y Gymraeg 1 Ebrill 2012 Pwerau statudol y Comisiynydd wedi dod i rym Background Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 The Welsh language has official status in Wales Creating a Welsh Language Commissioner 1 April 2012 The Commissioner’s statutory powers came into effect

3 Prif swyddogaethau Main functions Caiff y Comisiynydd wneud unrhyw
beth y mae’n ei ystyried yn briodol er mwyn: hybu a hwyluso defnyddio’r Gymraeg gweithio tuag at sicrhau nad yw’r Gymraeg yn cael ei thrin yn llai ffafriol na’r Saesneg Pwerau Rheoleiddio The Commissioner may take any steps deemed appropriate to: promote and facilitate the use of the Welsh language work towards ensuring that the Welsh language is treated no less favourably than the English language Powers Regulator

4 % Siaradwyr Cymraeg: Cymru % Welsh Speakers: Wales

5 Cyfrifiad 2011 2011 Census Cyhoeddwyd canlyniadau cychwynnol – Rhagfyr 2012 Canran siaradwyr Cymraeg wedi gostwng o 20.8% (2001) i 19.0% (2011) Nifer o dueddiadau o gynnydd % plant 3-4 oed oedd yn gallu siarad Cymraeg % plant 5-9 oed oedd yn gallu siarad Cymraeg Gwaith dadansoddi’r canlyniadau yn parhau Initial results published - December 2012 Reduction in percentage that could speak Welsh from 20.8% (2001) to 19.0% (2011) Number of trends of growth % of children aged 3-4 who could speak Welsh % of children aged 5-9 who could speak Welsh The work of analysing the figures continues

6 Cwynion Complaints Pŵer statudol i:
Ymchwilio i fethiant sefydliadau i weithredu eu Cynlluniau Iaith / Safonau Ymateb i gwynion am ymyrraeth â rhyddid unigolion i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg Ymateb i gwynion am ddefnydd o’r Gymraeg – neu ddiffyg defnydd o’r Gymraeg – gan sefydliadau eraill Statutory powers to: Investigate the failure of organizations to implement their Language Schemes / Standards Respond to complaints about interference with an individual’s freedom to use Welsh Respond to complaints about the use – or lack of use – of the Welsh language by other organizations

7 Rhyddid i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg yng Nghymru
Freedom to use the Welsh language in Wales Adran 111 Mesur y Gymraeg (Cymru) 2011 “Caiff unigolyn wneud cais i’r Comisiynydd yn gofyn i’r Comisiynydd ymchwilio i a yw person wedi ymyrryd â rhyddid unigolyn i ymgymryd â Chyfathrebiad Cymraeg ag unigolyn arall (“yr ymyrraeth honedig”)” Ymyrraeth honedig Cwyn i’r Comisiynydd Penderfynu ymchwilio ai peidio Adroddiad i’r ymchwiliad Section 111 Welsh Language Measure (Wales) 2011 “An individual may apply to the Commissioner for the Commissioner to investigate whether a person has interfered with the individual’s freedom to undertake a Welsh communication with another individual (the “alleged interference”)” Alleged interference with a communication Complaint to the Commissioner Decide whether to investigate or not Report - noting conclusions

8 Pŵer i gynnal ymholiadau Power to conduct inquiries
Adran 7 – Mesur y Gymraeg (Cymru) 2011 Ar unrhyw fater sy’n ymwneud ag unrhyw un neu ragor o swyddogaethau’r Comisiynydd Creu adroddiad ar ganfyddiadau unrhyw ymholiad a ymgymerir Section 7 – Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 Into any matter relating to any of the Commissioner’s functions Draft a report on the findings of any inquiry undertaken

9 Safonau Statudol Statutory Standards Ceir Safonau yn y meysydd
canlynol: Cyflenwi gwasanaethau – Adran 28 Llunio polisi – Adran 29 Gweithredu – Adran 30 Hybu – Adran 31 Cadw cofnodion – Adran 32 Standards will operate in the following areas: Service delivery – Section 28 Policy making – Section 29 Operational – Section 30 Promotion – Section 31 Record keeping – Section 32

10 Amserlen datblygu rheoliadau ar gyfer y safonau
Timetable for developing regulations for the standards Datblygu dogfen ymgynghori: Ar waith Cyfnod Ymgynghori: Gorffennaf – Tachwedd 2013 Ystyried ymatebion/paratoi rheoliadau drafft/memorandwm esboniadol/asesiad effaith rheoleiddiol: Rhagfyr 2013 – Mawrth 2014 Cyfnod aros 3 mis (Cyfarwyddeb Safonau Technegol y CE): Mawrth – Mehefin 2014 Taith y rheoliadau trwy’r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol: Medi – Hydref 2014 Rheoliadau yn dod i rym: Tachwedd 2014 Develop consultation document: In progress Consultation period : July – November 2013 Consider responses/preparation of draft regulations/explanatory memorandum/regulatory impact assessment: December 2013 – March 2014 3-month Standstill Period (EC Technical Standards Directive): March – June 2014 Passage of regulations through National Assembly: September – October 2014 Regulations come into force: November 2014

11 Cynlluniau Iaith Gymraeg Welsh Language Schemes
Cynlluniau Iaith Gymraeg Statudol yn parhau: Llunio a chymeradwyo Monitro cynlluniau Adrodd i’r Comisiynydd Cyhoeddi’r canlyniadau ar y wefan Hyd nes y gosodir safonau statudol bydd y drefn arferol yn parhau Statutory Welsh Language Schemes continue: Preparation and Approval Monitoring the schemes Reporting to the Commissioner Publication of outcomes on web-site The current arrangement will continue until Statutory standards are imposed.

12 Welsh Language Tribunal
Tribiwnlys y Gymraeg Welsh Language Tribunal Pwrpas y Tribiwnlys Derbyn apeliadau sefydliadau sy’n credu bod un o’r gofynion canlynol gan y Comisiynydd yn afresymol neu’n anghymesur: Gofyniad i gydymffurfio Safon Cosb am fethu cydymffurfio â safon Gall y Tribiwnlys gadarnhau, amrywio neu ddileu penderfyniad y Comisiynydd Purpose of the Tribunal Receive appeals from organizations which believe that one of the following requests by the Commissioner is unreasonable or disproportionate: A requirement to comply A standard A penalty for failing to comply with a standard The Tribunal may affirm, vary or annul the Commissioner’s decision

13 Arsyllfa Observatory Ymateb i ganlyniadau Cyfrifiad 2011
Craffu ar oblygiadau polisïau – economaidd, datblygu lleol, cyllido, datblygu’r gweithlu - sy’n effeithio ar gymunedau a siaradwyr Cymraeg Tîm mewnol yn gosod dull o weithredu a ffiniau clir ar hyn o bryd – pwyslais ar dystiolaeth ac argymhellion polisi Arbenigwyr pynciol i weithio ar feysydd penodol In response to the 2011 Census results Scrutinize policies – economic, local development, funding, workforce development - and their effects on Welsh speakers and communities Internal team currently drawing up an implementation plan to define the work – emphasis on evidence and policy advice Subject-specialists called in to work in specific areas

14 Comisiynydd y Gymraeg Cyfleoedd, cynllunio a’r camau nesaf Welsh Language Commissioner Opportunities, planning and next steps

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