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Harrison B. Prosper Florida State University YSP
Relativity 2 Harrison B. Prosper Florida State University YSP
Topics Part 1 Recap Mapping Spacetime When Is Now? Part 2
Distances in Spacetime Paradoxes Summary
Recap Einstein’s theory is based on two postulates:
Principle of relativity: The laws of physics are the same in all inertial (that is, non-accelerating) frames of reference. Constancy of the speed of light: The speed of light in vacuum is independent of the motion of the light source.
Spacetime Diagrams Events can be represented as points in a
Events with the same time values, such as events A and B, are said to be simultaneous Time A B Space
Event: A place at a given time Spacetime: The set of all events
Earth’s Time Axis 3000 AD D C now B (t,x,y,z) 2500 AD A 2000 AD y x O
Mapping spacetime
Mapping Spacetime – I tC tB tD tA tB = γ tD tD = κ tA C
light Starship’s worldline v = speed = BD / OB = x / tB Earth’s worldline B tB c = BD / AB D A tA light tD Line of simultaneity “Now” tB = γ tD tD = κ tA O
Mapping Spacetime - II tC tB tD tA κ-factor Relates elapsed times C
from a common event O to two events A and D that can be connected by a light ray. γ-factor to two events B and D that are judged simultaneous in one of the frames. A B C tA tD D O tC tB
κ and γ Factors Relativistic Doppler Factor Dilation Factor
κ and γ Factors Relativistic Doppler Factor
Problem 1: derive the formula for κ. Problem 2: light of 500 nm wavelength is emitted by a starship, but received on Earth at a wavelength of 600 nm. What is the relative speed between the Earth and the starship?
When is Now ? tB tD Δt = tB - tE tE Events B and D
are simultaneous for Earth so tD = tB / γ tB tE But events D and E are simultaneous for the starship so tE = tD / γ E Line of simultaneity B tD Δt = tB - tE D Line of simultaneity O
When Is Now? - II “Nows” do not coincide! Δt = tB - tE tB
tD D O tB Line of simultaneity “Nows” do not coincide! Δt = tB - tE Line of simultaneity Writing distance between B and D as x = BD the temporal discrepancy is given by Problem 4: estimate Δt between the Milky Way and Andromeda, assuming a relative speed between the galaxies of 120 km/s Problem 3: derive Δt
Worlds in Collision T. J. Cox and Abraham Loeb
Distances in spacetime
The Metric dl dy dx The distance between points O and P is given by:
OB2 + BP2 = OP2 = OA2 + AP2 OP2 is said to be invariant. The formula dl2 = dx2 + dy2 for computing dl2 is called a metric In 3-D, this becomes dl2 = dx2 + dy2 + dz2
The Metric z AC = r dφ r CB = dr AB = dl θ φ y C x B A
Δφ C B A The metric in spherical polar coordinates (r, θ, φ) Consider the spatial plane θ = 90o AC = r dφ CB = dr AB = dl
The Interval Q O P ds dl cdt Suppose that O and Q are events.
How far apart are they in spacetime? First guess ds2 = (cdt)2 + dl2 Unfortunately, this does not work! In 1908, Hermann Minkowski showed that the correct expression is ds2 = (cdt)2 – dl2 ds2 is called the interval Hermann Minkowski
The Interval In general, the interval ds2 between any two events is either timelike ds2 = (cdt)2 – dl2 cdt > dl or spacelike ds2 = dl2 – (cdt)2 dl > cdt null ds2 = (cdt)2 – dl2 = 0 dl = cdt
1. Which is the longest side and which is the shortest side?
x ct A B C E F D 5 3 6 2. Which path is longer, D to F or D to E to F? units: light-seconds from Gravity by James B. Hartle
The Pole and the Barn Paradox
A 20 m pole is carried so fast that it contracts to 10 m in the frame of reference of a 10 m long barn with an open front door. Consequently, the pole can fit within the barn for an instant, whereupon the back door is swung open. But in the pole’s frame of reference, the barn is only 5 m long, so the pole cannot possibly fit in the barn! Resolve the paradox (hint: draw a spacetime diagram)
Betty and Ann Δt = (0.8) (8y) = 6.4 years 8 light years (ly) β = 0.8
2053.6 Betty’s Now in 2056 Betty and Ann Betty’s worldline 2060 Ann’s Now in 2060 Δt = (0.8) (8y) = 6.4 years 2056 Ann’s Worldline Ann’s Now in 2050 2050 8 light years (ly) β = 0.8 1/γ = 0.6 Example from About Time by Paul Davies
Twin Paradox Betty 8 years younger! Betty’s Now in 2062
8 light years 2050 2060 2070 Ann’s Now in 2060 Ann’s Now in 2050 Ann’s Now in 2070 2068 sent by Betty in 2056, Betty’s time, received by Ann in 2068, Ann’s time. 2053.6 Betty’s Now in 2050 Betty’s Now in 2056 2052 sent by Ann in 2052, Ann’s time, received by Betty in 2056, Betty’s time.
Temporal Paradox 8 light years 8 light years A Betty’s Now in 2050
2060 Ann’s Now in 2060 Super-luminal signal sent to star A in 2050, arriving in 2056 according to Betty. But for Ann, signal sent in 2050 arrives in 2047! Ann’s Worldline 2053.6 8 light years Ann and Betty’s Now in 2047.2 A 8 light years Ann’s Now in 2050 2050 2048 Super-luminal signal sent from A arrives in 2048, preventing signal sent in 2050!
How To Make A Time Machine!
The Two Spaceship Problem
During the acceleration, do the captains measure a fixed, or changing, distance between the spaceships? Explain! Earth’s worldline Captain Vivian Captain Luke t2 t1 x
Summary There is no absolute “now”. Each of us has our own “now” determined by how we move about Super-luminal travel, within a simply-connected spacetime, would lead to temporal paradoxes The time between events depends on the path taken through spacetime, with an inertial (non-accelerating) path yielding the longest time
Proper Distance By definition: The proper distance is the
spatial separation between two simultaneous events. C & D are simultaneous in the Red frame of reference. E & D are simultaneous in the Yellow C D x’ E x A B
The Lorentz Transformation
x P O Define Δt = tBC + tCP Δx = xOA + xAB t' x' C What is the interval between event O and event P? Δx' = xOQ Δt' = tQP B A Q tCP = tQP /γ tBC = β Δx / c xOA = xOQ / γ xAB = v Δt
The Lorentz Transformation
x' C t x P O B A Q tBC = v Δx/ c2 tCP = tQP / γ xOA = xOQ / γ xAB = v Δt We obtain the Lorentz transformation (Δx, Δt) → (Δx', Δt') Δx' = γ (Δx – β cΔt) cΔt' = γ (cΔt – β Δx) The interval from O to P is OP2 = (cΔt)2 – (Δx)2 = (cΔt')2 – (Δx’)2
Problem 5 Compute the spacetime distance (ds) between the following events: 1. event 1: solar flare on Sun (in Earth’s) now. event 2: a rainstorm here, 7 (Earth) minutes later. (Give answer in light-minutes.) 2. event 1: the fall of Alexandria in 640 AD event 2: Tycho’s supernova seen in 1572 AD (the star was then 7,500 ly from Earth). (Give answer in light-years.)
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