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Christianity and Medieval Society

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1 Christianity and Medieval Society
18-3 Christianity and Medieval Society Universities are Built Cathedrals Religious Orders Pilgrimages Review

2 Objectives Explain why people went on pilgrimages.
Contrast how monks and friars were different. Name the new architectural style and explain how it was an advances in architecture. Tell how Thomas Aquinas thought faith and reason worked together.

3 Clergy are people that work for the church.
A religious order is a group within a religion Francis of Assisi preached the simple life. Unlike monks that hid away, Friars worked with the public. Thomas Aquinas was the greatest thinker of the Middle Ages. A cathedral is a large church headed by a bishop.

4 Universities are Built

5 The first universities in Europe were build during Medieval Times.
Previously, education had been in the courts of princes and kings, in cathedrals and monasteries. Sometimes, a doctor or lawyer would take students in apprenticeships.

6 Following Bologna, came Paris (1045),
In 1088 AD, Boulogne began the first university in Europe. They taught law (which was, of course, Roman Law). Thousands came from all across Europe to attend there. Following Bologna, came Paris (1045), and Oxford (1096).

7 (calculation) arithmetic astronomy geometry music
Law, medicine, and theology were the main focuses. The curriculum was already centuries old by the time universities started: The Seven Classical Subjects: (expression) logic Speaking (rhetoric) grammar (calculation) arithmetic astronomy geometry music

8 The texts they used were written centuries before.
Euclid’s book on geometry was the most successful textbook ever written. He wrote the book over 2300 years ago, and was used until the early 20th Century. They studied Boethius in music, Aristotle for philosophy.

9 Only men were allowed to attend or teach. Education was in Latin
Only men were allowed to attend or teach. Education was in Latin. Students needed to be fluent to enter. Exams were often oral. A student could be given a topic and asked to dispute it on the spot as an exam. Degrees began, but not everyone stayed for one.

10 For families from small towns and rural areas to send their sons to live in a big city was difficult and expensive. The Church often helped with the expenses of education. Students sometimes drank too much and caused trouble in town.

11 Influence National debates often followed universities: If a topic lost in university debates, politicians often abandoned it at court.


13 Further Information: “The Medieval University (In Our Time)” YouTube:Traditionalism.

14 Cathedrals

15 And the dome was just a 3D arch.
The Egyptians and Greeks used post-and-lintel to hold up ceilings. The distance between the posts was small. The Romans invented the arch. It could hold more weight. The space between pillars could be much wider, allowing bigger rooms inside. And the dome was just a 3D arch. Once they’d invented the arch, they could make a vault, simply a long arch. These were great accomplishments for the Romans.

16 Supporting ceilings, however, required strong, thick walls
Supporting ceilings, however, required strong, thick walls. Windows had to be small. In the years following the collapse of the Roman Empire, this style continued.

17 Supporting ceilings, however, required strong, thick walls
Supporting ceilings, however, required strong, thick walls. Windows had to be small. In 1144 AD, Abbot Suger in France designed a better way. He used pointed arches. They directed much more of the weight downward. The ceiling could be higher. The walls could be much thinner. Then he made the walls even thinner by using outdoor braces.

18 These outdoor braces were called flying buttresses.
Now that the weight wasn’t on the walls, the walls didn’t have to be stone – they could be stained glass.


20 This new style was called gothic.



23 Monks and Friars

24 The church was the only stable organization in Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire.
People sometimes left land to the church in their wills. The church began to own more and more land. Some clergy began to be more interested in wealth and power than doing their jobs.

25 New religious orders arose that resisted this
New religious orders arose that resisted this. They took vows of poverty, promising not to own anything. They dedicated themselves to God and to helping the poor.

26 Francis of Assisi



29 Medieval Pilgrimages

30 Many Christians of this era would go on pilgrimages, long journeys to holy sites.
Pilgrimages were vacations with a religious purpose. One could get away from the hometown and have an adventure, but have a pure reason for doing so. Pilgrims might go to a cathedral in their own nation, to Rome, or all the way to the Holy Land.


32 Review

33 Just how large was the Louisiana Purchase?
About 10% the size of the United States Almost half the size of the United States Just more than half the size of the United States Larger than the whole of the United States put together

34 Spanish and English influence
What is divided in the continental divide? Ethnic native groups Drainage Weather systems Spanish and English influence

35 Which of these was NOT a part of the Compromise of 1850?
The North got California as a free state. Kansas and Nebraska could vote to decide whether they would allow slavery or not. This was a the Kansas-Nebraska Act! The South got the Fugitive Slave Law. The slave-trade was abolished in Washington DC.

36 Hey! A president can make treaties! This sale is part of a treaty.
When why did Thomas Jefferson struggle with the idea of the Louisiana Purchase? I don’t know whether this is constitutional or not. I don’t know whether this will be good for America. Hey! A president can make treaties! This sale is part of a treaty. I wonder whether the Spanish will declare war on us.

37 Match This will force the north to accept slavery!
We need to let each state vote about slavery! Have to accept compromises about slavery! Slavery is evil and I will use force to stop it! Henry Clay Stephen Douglas John Brown John Calhoun

38 What did Lincoln do with the border states?
Lincoln sent troops to put down succession here. Missouri This state supported the Union. Maryland Lincoln put this state under martial law. Delaware This state wavered until the South invaded, and then it joined the Union. Kentucky This state eventually joined the Confederacy.

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