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Erasmus+ Mobility with Germany from Israel's perspective

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1 Erasmus+ Mobility with Germany from Israel's perspective
Erasmus+ Jahrestagung Kathrin Remer Theurillat NEO Israel 02/6/2017 Story: In preparation of this presentation I remembered one of my first "real" encounter with the question "Bologna in Israel" and this was actually my job interview for the Erasmus+ office. I had read quite a lot about it in preparation and when it was my turn to ask questions I asked about the acceptance of the bologna principles by the HE institutions and how this dynamic influences the work of the Erasmus+ office. After getting a smile indicating a kind of "you got us" and the famous answer of "good question" in other words – we don’t have an answer, I am very happy I got the job and now a few years into this work, I understand a lot more about the dynamics and the content of the question "Israel, Bologna principles and how Erasmus+ fits into this picture."

2 Cooperation with Germany – some figures:
International Credit Mobility: Germany Partner #1 Good cooperation in terms of numbers and quality (institution & individuals) Call for Proposals 2016: Mobility with 11 Israeli Institutions (Relatively) synchronized academic calendar Difficulty to adjust to the different working process of each HEIs NA Code Applications Selected Projects Success Rate Grant Awarded (EUR) Participants Awarded Participants Incoming (to EU) Participants Outgoing (from EU) DE01 29 19 66 % 477 281 196 Maybe add also other facts on cooperation with Germany - important for partner search DAAD seminar Academic calendar- works well

3 Cooperation with Germany – some figures:
Collaborative publications out of total Israeli Publication 2011 2010 2009 Country 24.32% 23.63% 22.40% USA 8.91% 8.01% 6.08% Germany 5.46% 4.91% 3.85% France 5.26% 5.14% 3.87% England 5.05% 4.34% 3.21% Italy 46.15% 44.12% 41.47% Total Maybe add also other facts on cooperation with Germany - important for partner search DAAD seminar Academic calendar- works well Source: Getz et al 2013 (from Thomson-Reuters)

4 i Who’s who? Your colleagues in Israel: The Israeli HEIs:
Many newcomers, small teams The Israeli HEIs: Fist steps to strategy, building facilities, no funds The Israeli Student: Age, culture, religion, almost no outbound mobility The Israeli administrative staff new opportunity! Mostly not very internationalized The Israeli academic staff: international research, not rewarded for teaching abroad, limitation in nr. of travels abroad Contact List on E+ website HEIs map and more info Study in Israel DAAD Country profile Israel

5 Strategy and working process
General: Growing interest in student mobility - national policy Learning by doing Difficulty to adjust to the working process of EU HEIs Growing professionalism and structured working process (but not funds) QA? Mobility Tool So far little means for marketing -> Study in Israel Main Research Universities: From “yes why not” to strategic partnerships Research based/oriented partner search Involve their staff in choosing partners Small institutions and newcomers: Focus on Staff mobility Growing proactive partner search ? Share your strategy? Share your work experience and knowhow Staff Mobility

6 Build a structured work plan
Streamline Processes? Find ways to meet! Build internal QA Use OS? Contact the NEO Build a structured work plan Use staff mobility Add your partners to the Mobility tool ? About 50% of HEIs participate in E+ Mobility Joint preparation of application Prepare students and staff It is of course not a linear process, but to make my point and highlight the challenges - it should be enough Organizational support QA: add your partners as read only!!! QA From “yes why not” to strategic partnerships Synchronize working structures and calendar

7 You are welcome to contact us at any time!
Thank you for your attention! You are welcome to contact us at any time!

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