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Component D: Data collection by field surveys

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Presentation on theme: "Component D: Data collection by field surveys"— Presentation transcript:

1 Component D: Data collection by field surveys
EU Twinning Project Surveys Department Component D: Data collection by field surveys Introduction to the component D.1: Management and monitoring of field interviewers and the mission schedule

2 Mandatory result of the component
EU Twinning Project Surveys Department Mandatory result of the component Establishment of Quality control methods and tools for monitoring field interviewers

3 Topics for the 21-24/7 Mission
EU Twinning Project Surveys Department Topics for the /7 Mission 21/7 Quality methods: Current situation in the main field surveys Escorting the interviewers 22/7 managing and monitoring Review about the operation unit Efficiency checks and monitoring collection progress 23/7 Training Review about interviewer’s guides: enterprises and households surveys 24/7 conclusions and recommendations

4 Hope for a fruitful and enjoyable discussions
EU Twinning Project Surveys Department Hope for a fruitful and enjoyable discussions

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