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Career Counseling: A Holistic Approach Chapter 5 Vernon G. Zunker.

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1 Career Counseling: A Holistic Approach Chapter 5 Vernon G. Zunker

2 Career Counseling Intake Interview
Rationale for career counseling intake interviews Suggested sequence for an interview Suggestions for interviewing multicultural groups Identifying career choice and career development constraints Identifying psychological and personality disorders Key standardized assessment instruments

3 Interview The purpose of the interview is to learn as much as possible about the individual and use this information to make connections between career and personal concerns Use self report forms May also want to clarify the reasons clients have given for coming to counseling Self report information can be discussed to establish rapport with one’s clients

4 Suggestions for Interviewing Multicultural Groups
Developing a greater sensitivity to diverse clients has become increasingly important for career counselors The core dimension of interviewing is effective communication between clients and counselors The counselor must be aware of a wide spectrum of ethnic and cultural characteristics that influence behavior

5 The Changing Nature of Work
Establishing a work identity and having a job that sustains one’s family has been and remains a part of the American dream. The changing nature of work is ongoing. Many in the workforce are “knowledge workers” who maintain their position by staying up-to-date in their fields.

6 Negative Cognitions Faulty beliefs and assumptions have been a primary target of human service practioners over time. Negative views of the future, about self and about the world of work, suggest that a client has low self- esteem as well as self-concept and self-efficacy deficits. Negative cognitions usually increase the level of demeaning self talk that can lead to indecision and negative overgeneralizations.

7 Psychological Disorders
Psychological disorders can affect all life roles including work. Human service practitioners address a variety of client problems including concerns that are identified by symptoms of psychological disorders. Detecting early symptoms of disorders is key.

8 Anxiety Disorders Apprehension, worry, fear and panic characterize anxiety disorders. Phobias are fears of specific objects such as a spider or some other animal. Agoraphobia is a fear of places such as malls. Social Phobia: fear of being judged harshly by others in public Generalized Anxiety Disorder: excessive worry that persists for at least six months

9 Somatoform Disorders This group is characterized by concerns with the physical body and its functions. Imagined illnesses and physical complaints that have no medical basis are good examples of this disorder. Hypochondriasis Somatization Conversion Disorders

10 Mood Disorders Emotional states defined as depression or “lows” and euphoria or “highs” Mood can change rapidly There are two types of mood disorders— depression and bipolar disorder Over time one can experience repeated episodes and may develop long lasting symptoms

11 Personality Disorders
Cluster A--referred to as odd or eccentric disorders Cluster B--antisocial, borderline, histrionic and narcissistic Cluster C--avoidant, dependent and obsessive compulsive

12 Substance Abuse Screening
Alcoholism and drug abuse in the workplace has not only been a hot topic of discussion over several decades but continues to be a major focus of concern by personnel offices worldwide Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory Substance Abusive Subtle Screening Inventory A2

13 Clarifying Problems Client problem identification is important and always a first step Counselors are to clarify client concerns and needs into a format that is straightforward and concrete

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