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Presentation on theme: "KAPUSKASING PHOSPHATE OPERATIONS Porcupine Northeastern Ontario"— Presentation transcript:

May 24, 2012 Porcupine Northeastern Ontario Mines Safety Groups Mario Vottero Good Morning and Welcome: This is my first opportunity to address our shareholders at the AGM. I thank you for the trust you have given me in running this great company of yours. - Presentation today is focused on 2003/1st Quarter 2004 developments for financials. In addition I will close with a quick snap shot on our future outlook and key drivers of Supply Demand.

2 March 2012 Safety Milestone
PNOMSG, May 24, 2012 March 2012 Safety Milestone Discuss KPO’s Safety Milestone Rough Start for 2012 KPO’s Hazard Recognition Program Workplace Hazard Assessment Tool (WHAT) Job Task Observation Actions going forward

3 Important Milestone At KPO
PNOMSG, May 24, 2012 Important Milestone At KPO During the Month of March 2012 KPO Site achieved; Zero Minor injuries Zero First Aid Zero Non Lost Time Work Case Zero Restricted Work Case Zero Lost Time Injuries As a site (employees and contractors) we never experienced this before. Was it luck? Is a zero harm workplace achievable? Did our actions make a difference?

4 PNOMSG, May 24, 2012 Rough Start for 2012 Q1 TRI Frequency

5 PNOMSG, May 24, 2012 Rough start for 2012 Recordable injuries occurred in the Mill & Mine, all were contractor injuries. Majority of injuries were contractors coming to site to do maintenance in our mill. 4 Non Lost Time Work Case 2 Restricted Work Case = 31 days combined Challenges Less experienced workforce Hazard identification Inadequate supervision coverage; proper application of job safety plans.

6 Actions: Importance of Hazard Reporting
PNOMSG, May 24, 2012 Actions: Importance of Hazard Reporting Hazards are reported and acted upon. We experience an increase in hazard reporting;

7 Actions: Importance of Job Task Observations and Hazard Assessment
PNOMSG, May 24, 2012 Actions: Importance of Job Task Observations and Hazard Assessment Focus on Contractors, brought in additional observers from Conda Phosphate Operations, Idaho, over a two week period.

8 Hazard Recognition Program
PNOMSG, May 24, 2012 Hazard Recognition Program Workplace Hazard Assessment Tool (WHAT)

9 Hazard Recognition Program
PNOMSG, May 24, 2012 Hazard Recognition Program Job Task observation

10 Actions to Improve: Actions to improve Job Task Observations
PNOMSG, May 24, 2012 Actions to Improve: Actions to improve Job Task Observations Employee participation in the JTO Program Focus on new employees and contractors WHAT cards; Validation of hazard assessment by second worker Supervisors to ensure the WHAT is understood Implement a Contractor Safety Rep program at KPO Increased EHS coverage during shutdown Educate & empower workers to stop higher risk work Review of past incidents in the role for new employees

11 PNOMSG, May 24, 2012 In Closing March 2012 is one month in the 13 years of Kapuskasing Phosphate Operations. There will be no way to know for certainty what caused our zero harm month. What was outstanding for March 2012? Supervision coverage was enhanced, Actively reviewed workplace hazard assessments by Increasing Job Task Observations, and Workers watching out for each others well being. In my view it was not luck, it was a combined effort that made it happen.

12 PNOMSG, May 24, 2012 Questions ?


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