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By: ODUNTAN, ODUNAYO ESTHER AAA Ph.D Qualifying Examination

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1 By: ODUNTAN, ODUNAYO ESTHER AAA110007 Ph.D Qualifying Examination
DEVELOPMENT OF AN AUTOMATED ESSAY-TYPE GRADING SYSTEM USING MODIFIED PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS By: ODUNTAN, ODUNAYO ESTHER AAA110007 Ph.D Qualifying Examination Supervised by: Prof. S.O. Olabiyisi Prof. E.O. Omidiora Dr. I.A. Adeyanju Supervisor Co-supervisor Co-supervisor

2 Introduction What is Assessment ? Assessment Processes Testing Grading
Objective Mode Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) Multiple Choice Multiple Answer(MCMA) Theory Mode Essay Essay-Type

3 Problem Statement Methods of Grading Existing Grading systems
Manual Time Consuming & Human factor such as biasness Automated Eliminates physical stress & Ensures fairness to all student. Existing Grading systems Objectives and Essays assessment Challenges polysemy and word order Integrating n-gram into Existing Principal Component Analysis for Automated Essay-type Grading.

4 Aim and Objectives of Study
To develop an automated essay-type grading system using generalized principal component analysis. Objectives Comparatively analyze keywords and n-gram document representation in automated essay-type grading. Modify existing principal component analysis algorithm by integrating n-grams. Design an automated essay-type grading system using modified principal component analysis Develop (iii) using Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB) Evaluate the performance of the developed system using Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Pearson Correlation Coefficients (R), and Coefficient of determination (R2). Scope of Study Essay-type answers to exam questions Textual in nature

5 Related Work S/N System Technique Dataset Extracted Features
Document Representation 1 PEG (Page,1996) Pattern Matching Essay Liquistic features such as proxes and trins Standard regression equation 2 E-Rater (Burstein et al., 2001) Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing Discourse structure, syntactic structure and vocabulary usage Regression Analysis 3 BETSY (Rudner and Liang,2002) Text classification and Multivariant Bernoulli Model Content and styles Probabilistic 4 Automark System (Mitchell, 2002) Information Extraction with Natural Language Processing Errors in spellings, syntax and semantics of essays Vector Space Model 5 IntelliMetric (Shermis et al. 2003) Artificial Intelligence using neuro-synthetic approach Semantic, syntactic and discourse level features of an essay 6 Automated Essay Assessor (Kakkonen, 2004). Natural Language Processing Syntactic and constraint grammar parser 7 Intelligent Essay Grader (Kakkonen et al., 2005) Latent Semantic Analysis Content, style, mechanics, coherency 8 Expert System for AES Ade-Ibijola, A.O., (Wakama, I, Amadi, J.C.2012) Shallow Natural language Techniques Free -Text Answers Content Fuzzy Scoring Model 9 Automated Essay Grading using GLSA (Islam and Hoque 2012) Generalized Latent Semantic Analysis


7 N-gram Document Representation
Algebraic model for representing textual documents dj denotes the jth document wij denotes the weighting of the ith term in the jth document Document term matrix for Essay-type grading A document is an essay-type answer to an exam question A term is typically a keyword in the document But we generalize a term as a n-gram subsequence of n words from a document e.g. n = 2 is called a bigram (2-gram)

8 N-gram Document Representation
Figure 3.2: Text Processing with Vector Space Model

9 Modified PCA for Feature Extraction
Standard PCA for text processing Uses keyword document representation “Colorless green ideas sleep furiously” contains five keywords: “colorless”, “green”, “ideas”, “sleep”, and “furiously”, Keywords are sometimes not very informative Polysemy and word order not captured Modified PCA uses n-gram(n>= 2) contains four equivalent bigrams: “Colorless green”, “green ideas”, “ideas sleep”, “sleep furiously” Bigrams are more informative Polysemy and word order addressed Each n-gram represents a term in the Document Term Matrix

10 Modified Principal Component Analysis Algorithm(MPCA)
Step1: Input n-gram from document vector(n=2,3…) Step 2: Subtract the mean from the data dimension Step 3: Calculate the covariance matrix Step 4: Calculate the eigenvalue and eigenvector of the covariance Step 5: Choose Highest components to form a normalized document vector.

11 Modified Principal Component Analysis Algorithm(MPCA)
In Text Processing; For MPCA, Terms are n-grams (n>= 2) Form a Spanned Matrix Subtracting off mean of each dimension Compute Covariance of the spanned matrix b refers to number of n-gram terms, AT is the transpose of spanned matrix Derive the Eigen Space Calculate eigenvalue and arrange in descending order Choose the highest eigenvalue Derive the eigenvector Derive the Normalised Document Vector Project the Eigen space into the spanned matrix G = A * ET * E G is Normalised Document Vector, A is the spanned document term matrix, ET is the transpose of the Eigen space known as the resulting vector.

12 Documents Similarities
Documents similarities compares two separate documents.: Normalised document vector pre-processed marking scheme pre-processed students’ answers. Cosine Similarity Measure dij denotes the weight of the ith term in the essay-type marking scheme document term matrix (Dj) and qi denotes the weight of the ith term in the essay-type student answer document term matrix(Q).

13 Performance Measure Compares human score with machine score using:
Mean Absolute Error(MAE). Root Mean Squared Error(RMSE) Pearson coefficient correlation(R). Coefficient of Determination (R2 ) Mean Absolute Error formular: Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) Xi is the human score Yi is the machine score n is the number of data analysed i is the mean of value actually observed yi is the value actually observed n is the number of data

14 Performance Measure Contd.
, Pearson Correlation Coefficient (r) X is the human score Y is the machine score N is the number of data analysed Coefficient of determination (R2) is the actual value of the original assessor is the predicted value by the developed system is the mean of the actual value is the mean of the predicted value

15 Experimental Design Data acquisition: Experimental methodology
Department of computer science, Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ogun State COM 317 and COM 325 Data sets One Marking Scheme each and 35 Students’ Answers. Experimental methodology Text pre-processing Document Representation: keyword and bigram Document Similarities: cosine similarity measure. Experimental Analysis Keyword System Ngram (n=2) System Principal Component Analysis(PCA) Modified Principal Component Analysis(MPCA) Development Tool used : MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory)

16 Implementation Figure 4.1:Screenshot of a GUI of the Automated Essay Type Grading System

17 Figure 4.2:Screenshot of a Student’s response in .txt file format
Data Acquisition Figure 4.2:Screenshot of a Student’s response in .txt file format

18 Figure 4.3:Screenshot of Pre-processed Text
Text Pre-processing Figure 4.3:Screenshot of Pre-processed Text

19 N-Gram Representation of Text
'research' 'process' 'arriving' 'dependable' 'methodical' Figure 4.4a:Screenshot of Keyword Document Representation

20 N-Gram Representation of Text
'research process ' ' process arriving' ' arriving dependable' ' dependable solutions' ' solutions problems' ' problems planned' ' planned systematic' Figure 4.4b:Screenshot of N-gram Document Representation

21 Mean Absolute Error Results
Bigram has a lower estimate MPCA System has the least MAE value.  Dataset Keyword System Bigram System PCA System GPCA System COM 317 18.59 12.16 5.67 4.4 COM 325 16.5 11.5 10.22 5.04

22 Mean Absolute Error Chart
MPCA System has the least MAE value.

23 Root Mean Squared Error Results
KEYWORD BIGRAM PCA MPCA COM 317 30.50 27.50 22.80 21.80 COM 325 28.50 22.50 25.20 24.20 MPCA System has the least RMSE value.

24 Root Mean Squared Error Chart
MPCA System has the least RMSE value.

25 Pearson Correlation Results
 Dataset Keyword System Bigram System PCA System GPCA System COM 317 0.25 0.42 0.45 0.70 COM 325 0.3 0.50 0.75 MPCA has the highest correlation coefficient

26 Pearson Correlation Results Chart
Bigrams and MPCA System shows better correlation when evaluated with the Assessor.

27 Coefficient of determination Results
KEYWORD BIGRAM PCA MPCA COM 317 0.15 0.45 0.20 0.50 COM 325 0.10 0.40 0.25 0.60 Bigram and MPCA System shows better correlation when evaluated with the Assessor.

28 Coefficient of determination Chart
Bigram and MPCA System shows better correlation when evaluated with the Assessor.

29 Time and Memory Utilization Results
Metric Keyword Bigram PCA MPCA Time (secs) 35.251 25.456 28.991 10.582 Memory Usage(kb) 15.8 7.58 13.9 3.9 GPCA is the fastest and occupies the least memory space

30 Time and Memory Utilization Chart
MPCA is the fastest and occupies the least memory space

31 Performance measure of MPCA with Existing State–of-Art (GLSA)
Generalized Latent Semantic Analysis(GLSA) Developed by Islam and Hogue(2012) Latent Semantic Analyser is for Indexing Terms Focused on Essay Dataset Used Term Frequency Scheme Modified Principal Component Analysis(MPCA) Uses N-gram in Document Representation Principal Component Analysis is dimensionality reduction Technique (Omidiora, 2006) Focuses on Essay-Type Dataset Binary Weighting Scheme

32 Mean Absolute Error Results for GLSA and GPCA
MPCA System GLSA COM 317 4.4 5.24 COM 325 5.84 7.55 MPCA has lower estimate

33 Mean Absolute Error Chart for GLSA and GPCA
MPCA has lower estimate

34 Pearson Correlation Result for GLSA and MPCA
MPCA System GLSA COM 317 0.7 0.4 COM 325 0.75 0.45 MPCA has higher correlation

35 Pearson Correlation Chart for GLSA and MPCA
MPCA has higher correlation

36 Coefficient of Determination Chart for GLSA and MPCA
MPCA has better accuracy

37 Contributions to Knowledge
Comparatively analyse Keyword and N-gram Document Representation Apply n-gram document representation into PCA to derive MPCA for automated essay-type graders. This have addressed the issue of polysemy. Perform MPCA Feature Extraction flexibility in word sequencing. Develop and evaluate an Automated Essay-Type Grading System high positive correlation low mean absolute error with the original assessor and the existing state-of-art (GLSA).

38 Conclusion A high positive correlation with the original Assessor
The developed Automated Essay-Type Grading System using Modified Principal Component system(MPCA) had: A high positive correlation with the original Assessor Lower Mean Absolute Error

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