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On farm small scale biogas

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1 On farm small scale biogas
Jon Hovland Chief scientist Technology forum, HSN

2 This is a team effort! Rune Bakke has been the central person in this work since 1995. I worked in Norsk Hydro when this started as a project in There has been several Ph.D., M.Sc, B.Sc covering different aspects of the technology so we could get to where we are today.

3 Explicitly stating that manure should be used to produce biogas
Is it realistic to make biogas from manure at typical Norwegian farms, given that they are small in European context? The Government presented a strategy for increased biogas production in 2014. Explicitly stating that manure should be used to produce biogas Previously a target of treating 30% of the manure had been put forward

4 Central vs on-farm Some places central treatment is the best option
The best example is Greve Biogas Localisation very important Many farms are located too far away from central plants Max distance 15 – 40 km depending on a number of factors, cost of transportation is limiting – not GHG.

5 Capital expenditure is the key
Typical farms in Norway cannot invest more than approximately 1 million NOK Otherwise it will be a loss Typical “traditional” biogas plants offered in the market has a CAPEX above 3 mill NOK How can a plant be designed and built for 1 mill NOK?

6 Reactor type is the key CSTR reactors are the typical construction
High rate reactors must be used Small size make it possible to do prefabrication in an industrial setting On site construction is costly and must be avoided Upward flow sludge blanket Anaerobic baffle reactor


8 Granules from high rate reactor
Norske Skog Saugbrugs (UASB) ABR pilot reactor on pig manure

9 The advantage of the High Rate reactor
Bergland, W.H., Dinamarca, C., Toradzadegan, M., Nordgård A.S.R., Bakke I., Bakke, R., High Rate Manure Supernatant Digestion. Water Research. CSTR In a CSTR the solids retention time is equal to the hydraulic retention time. In a high rate reactor SRT >> HRT

10 Why high rate reactor with long SRT?
In the conversion of organic material to CH4 and CO2 there is very little energy available for the microorganisms to use for growth Very slow growth – generation time more than 20 days, for some much more 60 – 100 days In a CSTR with hydraulic retention time of 30 days, the microorganism are washed out!

11 Telemark reactor delivered at site

12 Biogas to boiler Heat Reaktor Heat exchanger


14 SCADA using Labview

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