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The Mixing of two Continents

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Presentation on theme: "The Mixing of two Continents"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Mixing of two Continents
How did European Expansion to North America Affect the Native Americans?

2 Lets review… 1 Inuit 2 Kwakiutl 5 4 3 Iroquois Sioux Pueblo

3 Where did the explorer’s go?
Cabot DeChamplain Coronado LaSalle

4 Lets put those together…
1 Inuit 2 Cabot Kwakiutl DeChamplain 5 4 3 Iroquois Coronado LaSalle Sioux Pueblo

5 Two Cultures Coming Together
The interactions between American Indians (First Americans) and Europeans sometimes led to cooperation and other times resulted in conflict. How did the American Indians (First Americans) and Europeans interact with each other?

6 3 focuses of the interaction
Cultural Interaction Areas of Cooperation Areas of Conflict

7 Cultural Interaction Spanish French
Conquered and enslaved American Indians (First Americans) Brought Christianity to the new world Brought European Diseases French Established Trading Posts Spread Christian Religion

8 Cultural Interaction (cont.)
English Established settlements and claimed ownership of land Learned farming techniques from American Indians (First Americans) Traded

9 Areas of Cooperation Areas of cooperation
Technologies (transportation of weapons and farm tools) Trade Crops

10 X Areas of Conflict Areas of conflict Land Competition for trade
Differences in cultures Disease Language difference X

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