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Learning by doing by Mgr. Pavel Dašek.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning by doing by Mgr. Pavel Dašek."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning by doing by Mgr. Pavel Dašek

2 Project days started on 18th February 2010 twice a year
aim at environmental problems educate pupils to increase ecology awareness

3 Project days topics: water air life nature waste energy

4 Project day - ENERGY questionnaire was done for the purpose of showing the efficiency paper , but we have gained some experience through it electronical way for the next time (faster, more efficient, saves paper), e.g. on creating the survey and its evaluation is kind of “learning by doing” for us teachers as we are developing its possibilities and learning from the results

5 Project day - ENERGY 173 pupils all together
4 grades took part in the survey: 6th grade: 51 pupils 7th grade: 43 pupils 8th grade: 47 pupils 9th grade: 32 pupils 173 pupils all together

6 5 stands where groups of pupils took turns
Food Pyramid (IT classroom) what food is the most important for our body? what is healthy and unhealthy for us? Food Packaging (gym) what food gives us the most energy? what else does it contain? Solar collector (language classroom) how fast can light from a halogen lamp heat the water in a water cycle aquarium? Energy lecture (hall) where does the energy comes from? how can we get it? Flying an “eco-kite” (Planýrka) there is an energy in the wind to fly an object (some kites really flew) 

7 Project day – ENERGY survey filled by teenagers point by point, 6th to 9th class
1. What do you think of when you hear the word “energy”? 6th graders (11-12 years) light power electricity powerstations lightening energy resources (sun, water, wind...) nature 7th graders (12-13 years) sun electricity energy resources (sun, water, wind...) powerstations light movement life

8 Project day – ENERGY survey filled by teenagers point by point, 6th to 9th class
1. What do you think of when you hear the word “energy”? 8th graders (13-14 years) electricity energy power movement physics 9th graders (14-15 years) power electricity renewable energy resources (sun, water, wind...) heat lightbulb the thing that gives me the energy to kiss or to rechearge my phone

9 Project day – ENERGY survey filled by teenagers point by point, 6th to 9th class
2. Underline the most interesting stand: Food Pyramid (IT classroom) what food is the most important for our body? what is healthy and unhealthy for us? Food Packaging (gym) what food gives us the most energy? what else does it contain? Solar collector (language classroom) how fast can light from a halogen lamp heat the water in a water cycle aquarium? Energy lecture (hall) where does the energy comes from? how can we get it? Flying an “eco-kite” (Planýrka) there is an energy in the wind to fly an object (some kites really flew) 

10 Project day – ENERGY 2. Underline the most interesting stand:

11 Project day – ENERGY 2. Underline the most interesting stand:

12 Project day – ENERGY survey filled by teenagers point by point, 6th to 9th class
3. Did you know before the project day what the food pyramid is? 6th graders (11-12 years) 7th graders (12-13 years)

13 Project day – ENERGY survey filled by teenagers point by point, 6th to 9th class
3. Did you know before the project day what the food pyramid is? 8th graders (13-14 years) 9th graders (14-15 years)

14 Project day – ENERGY survey filled by teenagers point by point, 6th to 9th class
4. Did the food packaging stand influence your habitats of your approach to food choices? How? 6th graders (11-12 years) 7th graders (12-13 years) more interested in the food content a try to eat healthier cheching the expiration date

15 Project day – ENERGY survey filled by teenagers point by point, 6th to 9th class
4. Did the food packaging stand influence your habitats of your approach to food choices? How? 8th graders (13-14 years) 9th graders (14-15 years) the content of harmful substances in food choosing the healthier food

16 Project day – ENERGY survey filled by teenagers point by point, 6th to 9th class
5. What energy is needed to ensure to fly a kite? (all the grades together) wind 93x (correct answer) other answers 60x buoyancy movement gravity etc.

17 Project day – ENERGY survey filled by teenagers point by point, 6th to 9th class
6. Did you understand the function of a solar collector during the project day?  Yes / No. 6th graders (11-12 years) 7th graders (12-13 years)

18 Project day – ENERGY survey filled by teenagers point by point, 6th to 9th class
6. Did you understand the function of a solar collector during the project day?  Yes / No. 8th graders (13-14 years) 9th graders (14-15 years)

19 Project day – ENERGY survey filled by teenagers point by point, 6th to 9th class
7. What did attract you the most on the energy lecture? (all the grades together) biomass types of energy Solar Panels nuclear power plant thermonuclear fusion energy recovery the sun and solar energy how to store energy life circle renewable food pyramid lecturer 

20 Project day – ENERGY survey filled by teenagers point by point, 6th to 9th class
8. How do you assess the whole project day? Score the mark as in school (best rating is 1). Circle the mark: 29 91 26 7 0 !!!

21 Worksheets examples

22 Thank you for your attention

23 Sources:,

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