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Presentation on theme: "Tsunami."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tsunami

2 Key words Proves otherwise – доказывать обратное
Volcanoes – извержение вулканов Hurricanes – ураганы Earthquakes – землетрясения The edges of the Pacific ocean – по краям Тихого океана Steep bank – крутой берег Struck the coast – обрушиться на побережье Atomic power station – атомная электростанция Nuclear explosions – ядерный взрыв Occur – произойти Deprive - лишиться Native - родственники

3 Sometimes a man think that he can control everything but nature proves otherwise earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes. We can argue about what this terrible but I will tell you about tsunami.

4 Tsunami is a long high wave. It appears because underwater earthquakes
Tsunami is a long high wave. It appears because underwater earthquakes. In most cases it happens the edges of the Pacific ocean. Speed wave can reach up to 720 km/h and high wave can reach up to a few tens of meters. Waves become higher near steep bank.

5 The biggest tsunami Tsunami in Southeast Asia (26.12.2004)-
waves of great height struck the coast of several countries. Died about 300 thousand people.

6 2) Tsunami in Japan (11. 03. 2011)-the main blow fell on the Miyagi
2) Tsunami in Japan ( )-the main blow fell on the Miyagi. Tsunami caused accident in on atomic power station Fucusima because of this nuclear explosions occured.

7 I think that tsunami is really awful
I think that tsunami is really awful. Some are deprived house, some lose native. But we can help! We can send: water, food, sleeping bags and ect,to the countries that are affected by tsunami

8 Thank you for attention Made by Cherkashova Katya

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