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SAMPLE INFORMATIVE ESSAY Natural disasters occur all over the planet. They are disturbances, such as hurricanes, typhoons, and blizzards, that.

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Natural disasters occur all over the planet. They are disturbances, such as hurricanes, typhoons, and blizzards, that are created in nature that cause fatal damage to man and animals. One such disaster is the Tsumani - a series of giant waves Tsunamis are created by undersea disturbances, such as earthquakes or giant landslides. As the waves travel away from the point of the undersea disturbance, they grow taller and gain higher speeds. However, tsunami waves do not look like normal waves that curl and crash against the beach. Instead, they look like a moving wall of water. In order to understand tsunamis, it is important to understand how Earth is formed. Tectonic plates, or giant pieces of Earth’s crust, sometimes push against each other. At times this motion can be subtle; other times it can be violent. An earthquake is caused when two plates push and pull against each other and suddenly release a tremendous amount of energy. According to the US meteorologist society, It is impossible to stop a tsunami. However, early warning systems and accurate weather forecasting equipment can warn people of the danger. Special buoys floating in the ocean record waves and send information to scientists on land. These scientists can then warn people to get away from the shore and head to higher ground. Sometimes an early warning can save thousands of lives from the deadly force of a tsunami. Tsunamis are enormous waves that are dangerous and unstoppable. Man’s power is no match for the force of a Tsunami. A Tsunami will kill and destroy man and his possessions.

7 NAME_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PER._______ TOPIC: INTRODUCTION (1 paragraph = 4-5 sentences) Introduce the topic AND Hook (What will you write to GRAB the readers ATTENTION) Thesis statement (A SENTENCE that provides the central idea of your entire essay ) BODY (1 paragraph = 6-10 sentences) – ONE PARAGRAPH PER POINT YOU ARE EXPLAINING Topic sentence (A sentence that provides the central idea of the FIRST body paragraph) : List the details to be included (Researched Facts that explain this point) . Examples and Quotes that will be included (Research Examples and Quotes from experts on the subject that support the point being explained in this paragraph) Topic sentence (A sentence that provides the central idea of the SECOND body paragraph) :

8 Examples and Quotes that will be included (Research Examples and Quotes from experts on the subject that support the point being explained in this paragraph) . BODY (1 paragraph = 6-10 sentences) – ONE PARAGRAPH PER POINT YOU ARE EXPLAINING Topic sentence (A sentence that provides the central idea of the THIRD body paragraph) : List the details to be included (Researched Facts that explain this point) Conclusion(3-4 Sentences) Summarize the points made in your 3 body paragraphs Say something the reader will remember about your topic (BANG!BANG!)

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