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Environmental problems

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1 Environmental problems

2 Started being more serious since Industrial revolution
They still do not get enough attention Large array of subjects and things Many people still believe they are just myths

3 Ecological catastrophes
Two kinds: 1) Caused by human 2) Caused by nature Unfortunately very common Most of them can be predicted and thus limit or erase damages

4 Caused by human At the beginning of almost every disaster is just normal human mistake There have been awful lot of those events throughout human history Most common are oil disasters (oil tankers accidents, oil leaks or explosions of oil rigs) Though oil disasters are serious problem, nuclear ones are even greater threat Thankfully only two nuclear disasters so far are Fukushima and Chernobyl

5 Caused by nature Even more common than those caused by human
Many believe these are examples of Natures' self- defence The most common are floods (even in Czech Republic on almost yearly basis) Disasters caused by wind: hurricanes, tornados, dust storms(Dust bowl), etc. Disasters caused by volcanic or seismic activities: earthquakes, Tsunami waves(Japan, Haiti)), exploding volcanos

6 Invasion species Invasion specie is specie of animal taken from its natural habitat and planted to ecosystem where it does not have any natural enemy. This causes its mass spread and total natural misbalance of the region. There are many examples of this in history Rabbits in Australia Bolševník in Czech Republic Asian Hornet in France

7 Pollution Another problem caused exclusively by human and its technology Just as serious as Ecological disaster, but much more subtle Air Pollution: Smog (caused by high concentration traffic and heavy industry), Acid rains( sulphur getting into air is transforming into sulphur dioxide and rains back onto surface) Water pollution: human waste (sewers draining into oceans), oil disasters Soil pollution: mineral fertilizers (results in salty soil), pesticides (various poisons gets piles up in soil)

8 Global warming Global warming is a result of CO2 in Earth‘s atmosphere. This causes so called „Greenhouse effect“ Global warming have most effect on poles where the average temperature has risen almost 3 degrees of Celsius over past ten years. Another issue is warming of the oceans, which has already caused many temperature sensitive species to go extinct. So far the humanity does not know how to stop the Earth from further warming itself without drastic limitations to all industry and our life level.

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