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1 (Please place your cell phones and pagers on silent or vibrate)
Welcome to Westover May 3, 2015 (Please place your cell phones and pagers on silent or vibrate)

2 This Is How We Overcome Your light broke Through my night,
Restored exceeding joy. Your grace fell like the rain And made this desert live.

3 You have turned my mourning into dancing
You have turned my mourning into dancing. You have turned my sorrow into joy.

4 You have turned my mourning into dancing
You have turned my mourning into dancing. You have turned my sorrow into joy.

5 Your hand lifted me up; I stand on higher ground
Your hand lifted me up; I stand on higher ground. Your praise rose in my heart and made this valley sing.

6 You have turned my mourning into dancing
You have turned my mourning into dancing. You have turned my sorrow into joy.

7 You have turned my mourning into dancing
You have turned my mourning into dancing. You have turned my sorrow into joy.

8 (Men start followed by women) This is how we overcome
(Men start followed by women) This is how we overcome. This is how we overcome. (All together) This is how we overcome. This is how we overcome. This is how we overcome. This is how we overcome.

9 … turned my mourning into dancing. You have turned my sorrow into joy.

10 You have turned my mourning into dancing
You have turned my mourning into dancing. You have turned my sorrow into… This is how we overcome. This is how we overcome. This Is How We Overcome © 1998 by Ruben Morgan / Hillsong Music Australia Words & Music by Reuben Morgan CCLI # 56321

11 Greet Your Neighbor

12 You have turned my mourning into dancing
You have turned my mourning into dancing. You have turned my sorrow into joy.

13 You have turned my mourning into dancing
You have turned my mourning into dancing. You have turned my sorrow into… This is how we overcome. This is how we overcome. This Is How We Overcome © 1998 by Ruben Morgan / Hillsong Music Australia Words & Music by Reuben Morgan CCLI # 56321

14 (Please place your cell phones and pagers on silent or vibrate)
Welcome Staff (Please place your cell phones and pagers on silent or vibrate)

15 Prayer for the Day

16 Video

17 Intro Scott Warner

18 Interview Chad

19 If You Say Go If You say go, We will go. If You say wait,
we will wait.

20 If You say, “Step out on the water,” and they say it can’t be done, We’ll fix our eyes on You and we will come.

21 If You say go, We will go. If You say wait, we will wait.

22 If You say, “Step out on the water,” and they say it can’t be done, We’ll fix our eyes on You and we will come.

23 Your ways are higher than our ways, and the plans that You have laid are good and true.

24 If You call us to the fire, You will not withdraw Your hand
If You call us to the fire, You will not withdraw Your hand. We’ll gaze into the flames and look for You.

25 If You say go, We will go. If You say wait, we will wait.

26 If You say, “Step out on the water,” and they say it can’t be done, We’ll fix our eyes on You and we will come… If You Say Go © 2002 by Mercy/Vineyard Publishing (admin by Music Services) Words and Music by Diane Thiel CCLI# 56321

27 Interview Stanley

28 Prayer or Scripture??

29 Floodgate Offering

30 For the Bible tells me so; Little ones to Him belong,
Jesus Loves Me Jesus loves me! this I know, For the Bible tells me so; Little ones to Him belong, They are weak but He is strong. 1014

31 Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.
1014 Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.

32 Let His little child come in.
1014 Jesus loves me! He who died Heaven's gate to open wide; He will wash away my sin, Let His little child come in.

33 Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.
1014 Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so. Jesus Loves Me Public Domain Words by Anna B. Warner, Music by William B. Bradbury CCLI# 56321

34 Whom Shall I Fear God of Angel Armies
You hear me when I call You are my morning song Though darkness fills the night It cannot hide the light Whom shall I fear

35 You crush the enemy underneath my feet You are my sword and shield Though troubles linger still Whom shall I fear

36 I know Who goes before me I know Who stands behind The God of angel armies is always by my side

37 The One who reigns Forever He is a friend of mine The God of angel armies is always by my side

38 My strength is in Your name For You alone can save You will deliver me Yours is the victory.

39 Whom shall I fear (Whom shall I fear) Whom shall I fear?

40 I know Who goes before me I know Who stands behind The God of angel armies is always by my side

41 The One who reigns Forever He is a friend of mine The God of angel armies is always by my side

42 (And) nothing formed against me shall stand You hold the whole world in Your hands

43 I'm holding on to Your promises You are faithful You are faithful.

44 (And) nothing formed against me shall stand You hold the whole world in Your hands

45 I'm holding on to Your promises You are faithful You are faithful.

46 I know Who goes before me I know Who stands behind The God of angel armies is always by my side

47 The One who reigns Forever He is a friend of mine The God of angel armies is always by my side

48 I know Who goes before me I know Who stands behind The God of angel armies is always by my side

49 The One who reigns Forever He is a friend of mine The God of angel armies is always by my side

50 The God of angel armies is always by my side.
Whom Shall I Fear - God of Angel Armies © 2012 Worship Together Music (Admin. By EMI Christian Music Publishing) Sixsteps Songs Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) A Thousand Generations Publishing (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) Alletrop Music (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.) Mc Tyeire Music (Admin. By Music Services, Inc.) Words and Music by Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, Scott Cash CCLI# 56321

51 in a land that is plentiful Where Your streams of abundance flow,
Blessed Be Your Name Blessed be Your name, in a land that is plentiful Where Your streams of abundance flow, Blessed be Your name.

52 Blessed be Your name, when I’m found in the desert place though I walk through the wilderness, blessed be Your name.

53 Every blessing You pour out I turn back to praise When the darkness closes in Lord, still I will say,

54 Blessed be the name of the Lord, Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord, Blessed be Your name. Blessed be the name of the Lord, Blessed be Your glorious name.

55 Blessed be Your name, when the world’s shining down on me, when the world’s “all as it should be,” blessed be Your name.

56 Blessed be Your name, on a road marked with suffering, though there’s pain in the offering, blessed be Your name.

57 Every blessing You pour out I turn back to praise When the darkness closes in Lord, still I will say,

58 Blessed be the name of the Lord, Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord, Blessed be Your name. Blessed be the name of the Lord, Blessed be Your glorious name.

59 You give and take away, You give and take away
You give and take away, You give and take away. My heart will choose to say, “Lord, blessed be Your name.”

60 Men You give and take away, you give and take away.
Women Every blessing You pour out I tun back to praise.

61 Men My heart will choose to say, “Lord blessed be Your name.”
Women When the darkness closes in Lord, still I will say,

62 Blessed be the name of the Lord, Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord, Blessed be Your name. Blessed be the name of the Lord, Blessed be Your glorious name.

63 Blessed be the name of the Lord, Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord, Blessed be Your name. Blessed be the name of the Lord, Blessed be Your glorious name. Blessed Be Your Name © 2002 by Thankyou Music (admin worldwide by Songs (except UK and Europe be Kingsway Music)/ASCAP Words and Music by Matt and Beth Redman CCLI# 56321

64 The Greatest Commands Love one another, for love is of God
(Alto Begin) Love one another, for love is of God He who loves is born of God and knows God. 448

65 He who does not love does not know God, For God is love, God is love.
448 He who does not love does not know God, For God is love, God is love.

66 (Add Bass) Love bears all things, Believes all things,
448 (Alto) Love one another, for love is of God He who loves is born of God and knows God. (Add Bass) Love bears all things, Believes all things,

67 Love hopes all things, Endures all things.
448 (Bass) Love hopes all things, Endures all things. (Alto) He who does not love does not know God, For God is love, God is love.

68 (Bass) Love bears all things,
448 (Alto) Love one another, for love is of God (Add Tenor) God is love, God is love God is love. (Bass) Love bears all things,

69 (Bass) Believes all things,
448 (Alto) He who loves is born of God and knows God. (Bass) Believes all things, (Tenor) God is love, God is love God is love.

70 He who does not love does not know God,
448 (Alto) He who does not love does not know God, (Bass) Love hopes all things, (Tenor) God is love, God is love God is love.

71 For God is love, God is love.
448 (Bass) Endures all things. (Alto) For God is love, God is love. (Tenor) God is love, God is love God is love.

72 Love one another, for love is of God God is love God is love.
448 (Add Soprano) Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, (Alto) Love one another, for love is of God (Tenor) God is love, God is love God is love. (Bass) Love bears all things,

73 He who loves is born of God and knows God. God is love God is love.
448 (Soprano) with all thy soul, all thy strength, all thy mind. (Alto) He who loves is born of God and knows God. (Bass) Believes all things, (Tenor) God is love, God is love God is love.

74 He who does not love does not know God, God is love God is love.
448 (Soprano) Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, (Bass) Love hopes all things, (Alto) He who does not love does not know God, (Tenor) God is love, God is love God is love.

75 (Soprano) for God is love, God is love, God is love.
448 (Soprano) for God is love, God is love, God is love. (Alto) For God is love, God is love. (Tenor) God is love, God is love God is love. (Bass) Endures all things. The Greatest Commands © 1993 Howard Publishing Co., Inc. Words and Music: Traditional adapted from I John 4:8, I Corinthians 13, Luke 10:27 CCLI# 56321

76 Love one another, for love is of God God is love God is love.
448 (Add Soprano) Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, (Alto) Love one another, for love is of God (Tenor) God is love, God is love God is love. (Bass) Love bears all things,

77 He who loves is born of God and knows God. God is love God is love.
448 (Soprano) with all thy soul, all thy strength, all thy mind. (Alto) He who loves is born of God and knows God. (Bass) Believes all things, (Tenor) God is love, God is love God is love.

78 He who does not love does not know God, God is love God is love.
448 (Soprano) Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, (Bass) Love hopes all things, (Alto) He who does not love does not know God, (Tenor) God is love, God is love God is love.

79 (Soprano) for God is love, God is love, God is love.
448 (Soprano) for God is love, God is love, God is love. (Alto) For God is love, God is love. (Tenor) God is love, God is love God is love. (Bass) Endures all things. The Greatest Commands © 1993 Howard Publishing Co., Inc. Words and Music: Traditional adapted from I John 4:8, I Corinthians 13, Luke 10:27 CCLI# 56321

80 Prayer for Floodgate Offering

81 Sharing the Bread

82 No tender voice like Thine
I Need Thee Every Hour I need Thee ev'ry hour, Most gracious Lord; No tender voice like Thine Can peace afford. 837

83 837 I need Thee, Oh, I need Thee; Ev'ry hour I need Thee! O bless me now, my Savior: I come to Thee!

84 837 I need Thee ev'ry hour: Stay Thou near by; Temptations lose their power When Thou art nigh.

85 837 I need Thee, Oh, I need Thee; Ev'ry hour I need Thee! O bless me now, my Savior: I come to Thee!

86 837 I need Thee ev'ry hour, In joy or pain; Come quickly and abide, Or life is vain.

87 837 I need Thee, Oh, I need Thee; Ev'ry hour I need Thee! O bless me now, my Savior: I come to Thee!

88 837 I need Thee ev'ry hour, Most Holy One; O make me Thine indeed, Thou blessed Son!

89 837 I need Thee, Oh, I need Thee; Ev'ry hour I need Thee! O bless me now, my Savior: I come to Thee! Amen. I Need Thee Every Hour Public Domain Words by Annie S. Hawks, Music by Robert Lowry CCLI# 56321


91 Sharing the Cup

92 I’ll worship Your holy name.
10,000 Reasons Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul; Worship His holy name. Sing like never before, O my soul, I’ll worship Your holy name.

93 The sun comes up, It’s a new day dawning, It’s time to sing Your song again.

94 whatever lies before me,
Whatever may pass, and whatever lies before me, let me be singing When the evening comes.

95 I’ll worship Your holy name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul; Worship His holy name. Sing like never before, O my soul, I’ll worship Your holy name.

96 You’re rich in love and You’re slow to anger. Your name is great and Your heart is kind.

97 For all Your goodness I will keep on singing, Ten thousand reasons For my heart to find.

98 I’ll worship Your holy name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul; Worship His holy name. Sing like never before, O my soul, I’ll worship Your holy name.

99 I’ll worship Your holy name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul; Worship His holy name. Sing like never before, O my soul, I’ll worship Your holy name.

100 Worship Your holy name. I’ll worship Your Holy name.
10,000 Reasons © 2011 Thankyou Music (Admin. By EMI Christian Music Publishing) Said And Done Music (Admin. By EMI Christian Music Poublishing) Sixsteps Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) SHOUT! Music Publishing (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) Words and Music by Jonas Myrin and Matt Redman CCLI# 56321


102 Offering Guests, please put your visitors card in the offering tray as it passes your way

103 Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord
I want to see You.

104 Open the eyes of my heart Lord, Open the eyes of my heart, I want to see You. I want to see You.

105 To see You high and lifted up, to see You shining in the light of Your glory. Lord, pour out Your pow'r and love, as we sing holy, holy, holy.

106 Open the eyes of my heart Lord, Open the eyes of my heart, I want to see You. I want to see You.

107 Open the eyes of my heart Lord, Open the eyes of my heart, I want to see You. I want to see You.

108 To see You high and lifted up, to see You shining in the light of Your glory. Lord, pour out Your pow'r and love, as we sing holy, holy, holy.

109 Holy, holy, holy. You are holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy. You are holy, holy, holy. Holy, holy, holy, I want to see You.

110 Holy, holy, holy. You are holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy. You are holy, holy, holy. Holy, holy, holy, I want to see You. Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord © 1997 by Integrity's Hosanna! Music Words and Music by Paul Baloche CCLI# 56321

111 When peace like a river attendeth my way,
It Is Well With My Soul When peace like a river attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; 490

112 490 What ever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, "It is well, it is well with my soul."

113 It is well with my soul, It is well, it is well with my soul.
490 It is well with my soul, It is well, it is well with my soul.

114 490 My sin oh, the bliss of this glorious thought My sin, not in part but the whole,

115 490 Is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more: Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

116 It is well with my soul, It is well, it is well with my soul.
490 It is well with my soul, It is well, it is well with my soul.

117 490 And, Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll,

118 490 The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend, "Even so" it is well with my soul.

119 It is well with my soul, It is well, it is well with my soul.
490 It is well with my soul, It is well, it is well with my soul. It Is Well With My Soul Public Domain Words by Horatio G. Spafford, Music by Phillip P. Bliss CCLI# 56321

120 Thanks for Being With Us Today!


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