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Welcome to Awana Guys and Dolls

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Awana Guys and Dolls"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Awana Guys and Dolls
Today we talk about the 50 ways God loves you

2 1. He loves you by making you unique

3 2. He loves you enough to make the world

4 3. He loves you so much he made oxygen for you to breathe

5 4. He loves you so much He made animals

6 5. He loves us all enough to give us a brain

7 6. He loves us so much He created us to be creative

8 7. He loved us so much he made the world full of color

9 8. He loved us all enough to give us music!

10 9.He loves me and You so much He Knows how many Cells are in our fingernails

11 10. He loves you so much he made the chocolate bean

12 11. He loves you so much He created us to learn

13 12. He loves us so much he gave boys girls and girls boys

14 13. He loves us so much He gave us hair to do weird things with

15 14. He loves you so much He Sent his Spirit to be with us

16 15. He loves you so much He is
sad when you are sad

17 16. He loves us so much He gave us his Word

18 17. He loves us enough to make warm summer days and birds that sing and flowers that bloom

19 18. He loves you enough to give you a second chance and third chance and fourth chance

20 19. He loves us so much He gives us clothes to wear

21 20. He loves us so much He created us with an immune system

22 21. He loves you so much He made laughter and giggles humor

23 22. He loves you so much He listens to us when we pray

24 23. He loves us enough to go a make heaven great for us

25 24. He loves you so much He gave you family and friends

26 25. He loves us enough to give us food to eat

27 26. He loves us so much He watches over us

28 27. He loves us enough to give us joy!

29 28. He loves you so much he created the church

30 29. He loves us so much He made the mountains and the sea

31 30. He loves enough to give us strength to defeat Satan

32 31. He loves us so much He gave us Bubble gum

33 32. He loves you so much He came to earth and became human

34 33. He loves us enough to warn us about the dangers of sin

35 34. He loves you so much He doesn’t want you to destroy your body with drugs or tobacco

36 35. He loves us so He gave us Pastors

37 36. He made life have variety He loves
You so much

38 37. He gave us the ability to smell pizza and popcorn

39 38. He made milk so we can have ice cream!

40 39. He loved us enough to give us birthdays and Christmas

41 40. God loves you so much He blessed you with toys!

42 41. He loves us so much He gave us a great room to worship him in

43 42. He loves you enough to create sunrises and sunsets

44 43. God loves you so much He has a plan for your life

45 44. He loves me so much He sends angels to protect me

46 45. God loves you so much He created you to be his friend

47 46. God loves you because He never plays favorites

48 47. He loves us so much He took our place in judgment

49 48. He loved you so much He was whipped for your healing

50 49. He loved us enough to be beaten for our sins

51 50. He loves me Enough to Give his life for ME

52 How precious is your unfailing love, O God
How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings Psalms 36:7

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