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Research project an architectural and historical investigation into artificial light: the case of the Festspielhaus (1911) sponsored by NWO (Netherlands.

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Presentation on theme: "Research project an architectural and historical investigation into artificial light: the case of the Festspielhaus (1911) sponsored by NWO (Netherlands."— Presentation transcript:

1 research project an architectural and historical investigation into artificial light: the case of the Festspielhaus (1911) sponsored by NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) and Modular Lighting

2 what is the research project: 1
what is the research project: 1. documentation of a revolutionary lighting system from 1911 in drawings and models (by Msc2 students) 2. translation of this lighting system to our current time and technology through research by design sponsored by NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) and Modular Lighting

3 who are leading the research project: Jurjen Zeinstra, architect and staff member of the Chair ‘Interiors, Buildings, Cities’ Herman van Bergeijk, architectural historian and staff member of the Chair of History sponsored by NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) and Modular Lighting

4 what is the role of the honours student: - getting familiar with the 1911 lighting system and its meaning for the architecture of the Festspielhaus building - investigation into new technology (LED) and the design of lights and fittings in light lab through research by design sponsored by NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) and Modular Lighting

5 what other activities are part of the research project: - excursion to the Festspielhaus in Dresden (Germany) on 28 October 2017 (prequel) - presentation of Msc2-project in January 2018 (start up for honours students) - visit to the Modular / Philips Light Lab - Tessenow-symposium in June publication in Summer 2018 sponsored by NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) and Modular Lighting

6 what kind of honours students are we looking for: - interested in architectural history - interested in architecture and interior architecture - affinity with restrained architecture and design - interested in exhibition design sponsored by NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) and Modular Lighting

7 interested or questions. contact Jurjen Zeinstra: j. s
interested or questions? contact Jurjen Zeinstra: before Friday 22 September applications* for the honours programme master should be sent Wednesday 27 September at the latest to * for more information about the honours programme and on what to include in your application, check the website: sponsored by NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) and Modular Lighting

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