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Roles of Men, women and children :

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1 Roles of Men, women and children :
Early Egyptian Life Family Life: Father was the head of the family. He taught sons farming or skilled labor. Mothers taught daughters to sew, cook, and run a household. Roles of Men, women and children : Women had more rights than other females in other early civilizations. Women could own and pass on property. They could buy and sell goods, make wills, and obtain divorces. Upper-class women were in charge of temples and could perform religious ceremonies. Very few children attended school. Children played with board games, dolls, spinning tops and stuffed leather balls.

2 Egyptian Social Classes:
Early Egyptian Life Egyptian Social Classes: Pharaoh Upper Class Middle Class Lower Class Upper Class Nobles, Priests, and other wealthy Egyptians working as govt. officials. Lived in cities and on large estates along Nile River. Lived in elegant homes made of wood and mud bricks. Had beautiful gardens and pools filled with fish and water lilies. They had servants to wait on them and to perform household tasks. Men and women dressed in white linen clothes and wore heavy eye makeup and jewelry.

3 Egyptian Social Classes:
Early Egyptian Life Egyptian Social Classes: Middle Class Included business owners and those who produced goods. Artisans were very important to Middle Class. They produced linen cloth, jewelry, pottery, and metal goods. Lived in smaller homes and dressed simpler than those of the Upper Class.

4 Egyptian Social Classes:
Early Egyptian Life Egyptian Social Classes: Lower Class Farmers made up the largest group of early Egyptians. Some rented their land from their ruler. They paid him with a large portion of crops. Most farmers worked the land of wealthy nobles. They lived in villages along the Nile River. They lived in one room huts with roofs made of palm leaves. They ate a simple diet of bread, beer, vegetables, and fruit. Many city dwellers were unskilled workers They did physical labor. Some unloaded cargo from boats and carried it to markets. Others made and stacked mud bricks for buildings.

5 Egyptian Social Classes:
Early Egyptian Life Egyptian Social Classes: They lived in crowded city neighborhoods. Their homes were made of mud-bricks with hard packed dirt floors and a courtyard for the family’s animals. They used their flat rooftops for family gatherings, playing games, and sleeping. Women worked on the rooftops, drying fruit, making bread, and weaving cloth.

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