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Presentation on theme: "LABORATORY SAFETY RULES"— Presentation transcript:


2 Rule # 1 Follow directions before an experiment. If you don’t understand something, ASK!

3 Rule # 2 Do not taste, eat, drink, or inhale anything used in science activities unless the teacher tells you to do so. You could get sick.

4 Rule # 3 Keep your hands away from your face, eyes, and mouth during science activities. Wash your hands after science activities.

5 Rule # 4 Always wear your safety equipment before starting an experiment in the lab.

6 Rule # 5 Inform the teacher if you observe something or someone being unsafe.

7 Rule # 6 Call the teacher if there is an accident or you get injured, even if the injury is small.

8 Rule # 7 Clean your area after every activity.

9 Hazard Something that is Dangerous
Tell your teacher when an accident happens.

10 What’s wrong with this picture?

11 Precaution Is something done to keep an accident from happening .
Taking precautions will help protect you from hazards. Putting your safety equipment on before an experiment is a precaution. Tie your hair back before an experiment is a precaution.

12 Why do we need safety rules?
To get a good grade To be safe To get all the right answers when we do an experiment.

13 Why do we need to wear safety equipment?
Because it is one of the rules. To protect ourselves from an accident and be safe. Because we look like scientist that way.

14 If something breaks during an experiment, you…
Clean it up immediately. Blame your friend. Hide it. Tell the teacher immediately.

15 You enter the lab, see food on the lab table, you….
Smelled it first, then tasted it. Tasted it immediately. Take it an observe it carefully. Wait for instructions.

16 When should I put my safety equipment on?
During the activity? Before the activity? As soon as my friends put their on? All the time?

17 You forgot the instructions the teacher gave, you …
Ask your friend to help you. Do what you remember to do. Try to figured it out on your own. Ask the teacher one more time.

18 Which of the followings is a precaution?
Washing your hands? Cleaning your area? Asking questions? Wearing gloves? Listen to the teacher? Wearing goggles? Reading instructions carefully? * Hint, only two answers are correct


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