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OpenGL® on Windows Vista™

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1 OpenGL® on Windows Vista™
Neil Trevett, NVIDIA

2 Good News! This time last year…
The plan for OpenGL on Windows Vista was to layer OpenGL over Direct3D in order to obtain the Aeroglass experience The situation today… OpenGL accelerated ICD now fully supported under Windows Vista OpenGL works fully with the Aeroglass compositing desktop Performance and stability will rival Windows XP by driver release

3 The Details Direct3D and OpenGL now use common window manager interfaces To allocate system resources and send rendering commands to the GPU hardware The Windows Vista CD does not include ICDs Driver with ICD must be downloaded from web site the same as Windows XP Windows Vista Beta2 ICD available today From NVIDIA at Drivers will soon be available from ATI – watch this space Microsoft has a layered OpenGL over D3D for basic functionality Only used if no ICD is present

4 Two Things to Watch Out For
Hardware overlays are not supported Hardware OpenGL overlays are an obsolete feature on Vista ATI and NVIDIA strongly recommend using compositing desktop/FBOs for same functionality Stereo is not currently supported – will be limitation on first Vista ATI and NVIDIA are working with Microsoft to cleanly build stereo support into driver model If you need stereo – let Microsoft know

5 Thank You! Thank you to the OpenGL community Thank you to Microsoft
For helping to communicate with Microsoft the need for accelerated OpenGL on Windows Vista Thank you to Microsoft For being responsive to market needs Together we can now provide the best user experience on Windows Vista

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