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Applied English 4 Hamlet Background Notes

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1 Applied English 4 Hamlet Background Notes

2 William Shakespeare, Biography
Nickname: “The Bard” (poet, singer); revered as GOAT in the English Language 

3 William Shakespeare, Biography
2. Translated into every major living language; performed around the world

4 William Shakespeare, Biography
3. Transformed English Theater; excelled in both comedy & tragedy (popular for those seeking entertainment and well as intellectuals)

5 Why read Shakespeare in 2017?
1. Linguistic Superiority

6 Why read Shakespeare in 2017?
Universalism; his works transcend time

7 Why read Shakespeare in 2017?
3. Relatable characters

8 Why read Shakespeare in 2017?
4. Profound understand of human nature (the good and the bad)

9 But Why Hamlet? What’s so great about THIS play?
Shakespeare wrote 37 plays, so why is Hamlet perceived to be the best? 1. It’s a play of unresolved questions. It provokes discussion and debate. It makes us THINK.

10 But Why Hamlet? What’s so great about THIS play?
2. Most comprehensive and complex character (consciousness) in all literature.

11 But Why Hamlet? What’s so great about THIS play?
3. Nature of Hamlet’s actions is still debated today. (Example? Is he mad or just calculating?)

12 But Why Hamlet? What’s so great about THIS play?
We are drawn to Hamlet’s humanity.

13 Themes 1. Revenge Enmity Murder Deception Young Love Loss
Appearance vs. Reality Sanity vs. Insanity

14 Drama Devices Aside

15 Drama Devices Concealment

16 Drama Devices Soliloquy

17 Drama Devices Tragedy

18 Drama Devices Foil

19 Drama Devices Comic Relief

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