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Huntsville City Schools Creating a Positive School Climate and

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1 Huntsville City Schools Creating a Positive School Climate and
No Place for Hate June 18, 2013 Dr. Barbara Cooper Deputy Superintendent Donna Clark Coordinator, Guidance Services

2 HCS Positive School Climate Committee
An inclusive committee composed of teachers, administrators, SRO’s, central office staff, students, parents, PTA, faith, business, and GLBT community members Purpose of committee: gather stakeholder input, define the concerns, identify best practices in bully prevention, and review current district practices Three workshops: November, February and May This year we created a collaborative committee to address our school climate and to begin creating a comprehensive plan for bully prevention. We already had many structures in place but we wanted to create comprehensive structures for the entire district. Our committee was inclusive it was comprised of teachers, administrators, SRO’s, central office staff, students, parents, PTA, faith, business, and GLBT community members INTRODUCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Positive School Climate Committee Members (who have RSVP’d for the BOE meeting tonight) Terrie Litrell – parent and PTA Judy Rushton – Director of Pupil Services Peggy Harris – Principal, Ridgecrest Elementary Jo Stafford – Principal, Ed White Middle School Becky Lambert – Teacher, Huntsville High School Maryann Moon – Teacher, Huntsville High School Elisa Ferrell – President, Huntsville Council of PTA’s Rena Anderson Donna Clark and Me Purpose of committee: gather stakeholder input, define the concerns, identify best practices in bully prevention, and review current district practices Three meetings: November, February and May

3 Work of the PSCC Why address bullying?:
To ensure positive learning environments for all students ALSDE compliance review recommendations, initial data, need for systemic approach and legislative mandates Review what works and what doesn’t work, review bully prevention programs Committee input for next steps Incorporate character education programs and activities and involve the community Develop and implement school climate and bullying survey Imbed Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) into curriculum and school day Establish long-term goals Why address bullying?: To ensure positive learning environments for all students ALSDE compliance review recommendations, initial data, need for systemic approach and legislative mandates Review what works and what doesn’t work, review bully prevention programs Committee input for next steps Incorporate character education programs and activities and involve the community Develop and implement school climate and bullying survey Imbed Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) into curriculum and school day Establish long-term goals

4 Current Situation/Need
HCS has made a commitment to provide strategies for students, staff, parents and community members to reduce the number of bullying incidents. Through this effort, the PSCP Committee will suggest training, tools and strategies to ensure that a positive school climate/culture exists in every school. This commitment also ensures that ALL student have a positive environment in which to learn and excel. This includes teaching students specific strategies for addressing a bully, such as telling a bully to stop and reinforcing with staff that they must intervene if bullying occurs. HCS has made a commitment to provide strategies for students, staff, parents and community members to reduce the number of bullying incidents. Through this effort, the PSCP Committee will suggest training, tools and strategies to ensure that a positive school climate/culture exists in every school. This commitment also ensures that ALL student have a positive environment in which to learn and excel. This includes teaching students specific strategies for addressing a bully, such as telling a bully to stop and reinforcing with staff that they must intervene if bullying occurs.

5 Character Traits Mandated by the Alabama State Legislature
August - School pride, sportsmanship and punctuality September – Courtesy, cooperation, honesty October - Patience & self control November - Citizenship and patriotism December – Generosity and compassion January - Diligence and perseverance February - Respect and tolerance March - Creativity and courage April - Cleanliness and respect for the environment May – Cheerfulness, fairness, and kindness This is a campaign that will be supported by the entire community our committee suggested that this was a great way to involve the community. We are encouraging all of our partners to include these character traits in newsletters, on marquees, webpages, etc.

6 Positive School Climate Plan
Four Main Components: Bully prevention Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Character Education No Place for Hate Program Outcomes Increase student attendance Increase the number of students who feel safe at school Communication Goals Create awareness and support for the PSCP, to include the four main components Share PSCP strategies for staff, students, parents and community and create a common language among schools Four Main Components: Bully prevention Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Character Education No Place for Hate Program Outcomes Increase student attendance Increase the number of students who feel safe at school Communication Goals Create awareness and support for the PSCP, to include the four main components Share PSCP strategies for staff, students, parents and community and create a common language among schools

7 Positive School Climate
COMMUNICATION PLAN Create awareness and support for the Positive School Climate Plan, to include the four main components Share Positive School Climate Plan strategies for staff, students, parents and community and create a common language among schools

8 Positive School Climate Plan Communication Plan Target Audiences
Internal - BOE, HCS Leadership Team (cabinet) principals, and school staff External – Students, parents, community members, elected officials, district committees, PTA, Rotary, Kiwanis, Chamber Education Committee, Schools Foundation, Leadership HMC, etc. Key Messages Be safe, be responsible, be respectful Character Education involves the entire community The PSCP campaign help provide equitable environments that optimize learning and maximize personal potential Harassment, intimidation and bullying are not okay Schools must be emotionally as well as physically safe

9 Positive School Climate Plan
Communication Strategies Announcements at school events District/School/PTA Web pages Social Media: FB and Twitter Schoolcast calls Newsletters Phases Phase I: July – August 2013 Principals/trainers (train-the-trainer) Phase II: September 2013 Site trainers will train all staff Phase III: September – October Train students and inform parents/gain support Phase IV: October-November 2013 Community awareness

10 Positive School Climate Plan
Desired Impact: Principals: Will hold adults accountable for responding to reports of bullying and emphasize that it is unacceptable to tell students to “just ignore” bullying behavior Will ensure that staff document all reported bullying incidents Will ensure that character education words/messages will be shared on a monthly basis Staff Will emphasize to students that harassment, intimidation and bullying are not okay Will teach the stop signal and rehearse and practice with students as appropriate for your grade level Parents Will believe school is a safe place to be Will believe that adults at school care about their safety and will follow- through after receiving any report or concern

11 No Place For Hate Timeline and Update
January Faculty awareness training (bullying and diversity) with HHS, HCMS and HHS August No Place for Hate training with student and faculty reps from each middle and high school September NPFH implementation November 2012 – Additional training for counselors (Language of Bullying), assistant principals (Reporting and Discipline) and parents via ETV (Youth and Bullying: What Every Family Needs to Know!) September 2012– March 2013– NPFH school programs and activities April 2013 – NPFH Celebration August 2013 – NPFH training for elementary schools

12 How to Become a No Place for Hate School
Sign and submit the No Place for Hate Application. Create a No Place for Hate team to oversee the implementation. Have students, teachers, and staff sign the Resolution of Respect. Complete at least 3 school-wide anti-bullying or diversity education activities throughout the year. Complete and submit to ADL the Certification Form to receive your official No Place for Hate designation.

13 No Place for Hate Update


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