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Vocabulary Quiz #3 Put all back packs at the front of the room. You only need a Pencil (Preferred)

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Quiz #3 Put all back packs at the front of the room. You only need a Pencil (Preferred)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Quiz #3 Put all back packs at the front of the room. You only need a Pencil (Preferred)

2 Monday 10/2 Pop Quiz– you need a sheet of paper—or a half sheet if you want to save the trees.
Number your paper 1-5 don’t skip spaces. Title it MLK Pop Quiz Name, Date, Period

3 Quiz: 1. Why did MLK write this letter?
Because he was told to by the Christian Fellowship Council. Because he Is upset with the southern people. He wanted to be just like Gandhi He is affiliated with Birmingham through the Fellowship and noticed injustice.

4 Quiz: 2. Where did MLK write this letter?
Atlanta, Georgia Birmingham, Alabama central Arkansas state prison Birmingham, Alabama city jail

5 Quiz: 3. Which is not a nonviolent step?
Self-Purification. Collection of Facts. Negotiation. Discretization.

6 Quiz: 4. What is the correct order of the nonviolent steps?
Self-Purification, Direct Action, Negotiation, Collection of facts. Collection of Facts, Negotiation, Direct Action, Self- Purification. Collection of Facts, Negotiation, Self- Purification, Direct Action.

7 Quiz: 5. Why didn’t negotiations work?
Negotiations didn’t work last time they were in Alabama back in 1961, this caused even more racial tension. Negotiation creates tension and Alabama refuses to negotiate so they were forced to confront the issue. Birmingham is especially racist—especially in the event of a negotiation with anyone.

8 Monday 10/2 Turn in your quiz take out another sheet of paper—a full one this time.

9 Tomorrow we are going to do our first Socractic Seminar Practice.
You will be given the questions for tomorrow--today. You will need to research them and have answers prepared. I will go over the rules tomorrow.

10 Questions for Socratic Seminar tomorrow:
These questions will take research and understanding. You will need a source for each– they can all have the same source if you like. Google, bing, and Wikipedia will not be accepted. These are search engines. Have your own answers prepared and this will be a grade to turn in—as well as your grade for speaking. This is practice #1– any confusion you have should be addressed during the practice seminars.

11 1. Using the information you know and have learned about Martin Luther King, what do you think his opinion would have been on the NFL “kneeling” protest? 2. If Gandhi were an American Citizen– what political affiliation do you think he would choose? (I.E. Republican, Democrat, Independent, or– no affiliation). 3. MLK said, “We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed”. Interpret what you think this means. 4. Using the information you know and have learned about Gandhi, what do you think his opinion would be on Donald Trump’s Immigration opinions?

12 Have a seat and take out your Socratic Seminar Question/Answer sheets.
10/03/17 Things to keep in mind: You can only have your paper on the desk. You will need to follow classroom expectations and rules at all times. If I see a phone– I’m writing it down.

13 1. Be prepared to participate and ask good questions
1. Be prepared to participate and ask good questions. The quality of the seminar is diminished when participants speak without preparation. 2. Show respect for differing ideas, thoughts, and values--no put-downs or sarcasm. 3. Allow each speaker enough time to begin and finish his or her thoughts—don’t interrupt. 4. Involve others in the discussion, and ask others to elaborate on their responses (if you don’t understand). RESPECT EACH OTHER!

14 Don’t be “that guy/girl”
Good Bad Don’t be “that guy/girl”

15 If you are holding the Hulk, you are the ONLY person permitted to talk at this time.
This…is the Hulk.

16 1. Be prepared to participate and ask good questions
1. Be prepared to participate and ask good questions. The quality of the seminar is diminished when participants speak without preparation. 2. Show respect for differing ideas, thoughts, and values--no put-downs or sarcasm. 3. Allow each speaker enough time to begin and finish his or her thoughts—don’t interrupt. 4. Involve others in the discussion, and ask others to elaborate on their responses (if you don’t understand). RESPECT EACH OTHER!

17 Gandhi or MLK in modern society.
Questions for tomorrow: Create 1 question for each of the following ideas. Remember– these are compelling thought provoking questions– not “yes or no” questions, not “do you know” or comprehension questions. There will be opinions mixed with actual background. Gandhi or MLK in modern society. Random current event of some kind (political, moral, ethical). Technology and people your age. Gun laws. Equality.

18 Have a seat and take out your Socratic Seminar Question/Answer sheets.
10/04/17 Things to keep in mind: You can only have your paper on the desk. You will need to follow classroom expectations and rules at all times. If I see a phone– I’m writing it down.

19 1. Be prepared to participate and ask good questions
1. Be prepared to participate and ask good questions. The quality of the seminar is diminished when participants speak without preparation. 2. Show respect for differing ideas, thoughts, and values--no put-downs or sarcasm. 3. Allow each speaker enough time to begin and finish his or her thoughts—don’t interrupt. 4. Involve others in the discussion, and ask others to elaborate on their responses (if you don’t understand). RESPECT EACH OTHER!

20 Summative Questions: Is self-identity your decision or your parents decision? (Psychology articles) 2. Should there be a background check/test before a couple is allowed to be parents? 3. What makes a man a “man”? 4. Question about local events in the area. 5. Anything government related.

21 Have a seat and take out your Socratic Seminar Question/Answer sheets THIS IS THE SUMMATIVE.
10/05/17 Things to keep in mind: You can only have your paper on the desk. You will need to follow classroom expectations and rules at all times. If I see a phone– YOU ARE LOSING POINTS.

ALL BACKPACKS AND PHONES AT THE FRONT! Grab an article, a sheet of paper, a pen/pencil, and take out annotation notes…wait for further instruction. 10/06/17 Things to keep in mind: DO NOT DO THE REFLECTION You are annotating this 2 of each marking per page. You ONLY have this class period. Then you are doing an ACE question on a separate sheet of paper.

Annotation: 2 of each marking ON EACH PAGE– NOT PER PARAGRAPH. ACEce: Who or what do you think is to blame for China’s current pollution problems? ACECE means you are giving two pieces of evidence and two explanations for your answer. This response should be at least a half to ¾ of a page long.

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