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India km Karnataka Kodagu The Western Ghats of India

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1 India 1 300 km Karnataka Kodagu The Western Ghats of India
Virajpet Madikeri Somwarpet 40 Protected area Coffee cultivation Sacred groves Study area Figure 1 – The study area in the southern part of Kodagu district, Virajpet taluk, in the Western Ghats of India.

2 Figure 2 – Sampling design: A hypothetical sampling locality with a base line running across the patch and the framework of transects placed at random points along the base line, on a randomly chosen side.

3 10 Kilometres Legend Protected area Paddy fields Sacred groves Tree-covered land uses including coffee plantations Sampling localities Virajpet Gonikoppa Ponnampet Srimangala 9 31 56 55 30, 47 28 29, 48, 49, 50 3 16 17, 18, 41, 42 23 15 21 33 22, 43, 44 20 19 13 14 40 39 25 24, 26, 45 4, 5 32 27, 46 12, 38 34, 35, 57, 58 11, 36, 37 1, 2 53, 54 51, 52 8 7 6 Figure 3 – Landscape map prepared in MapInfo after digitising 42 village land survey maps (scale 1:7920) in one layer. The 58 sampling localities are numbered on the map; 1-10: protected area localities, 11-35: sacred groves, and coffee plantations.

4 For all groups in the diagram
Mean and standard deviation of values of dependent variable Percentage frequency distribution of values of independent variable for the group Number of observations in a group For all groups in the diagram Dependent variable Woody Plant Diversity Independent variables Significance value of independent variable Range of values of independent variable for a group of observations Figure 4 – Interpretation of a hypothetical CHAID diagram

5 Coffee plantations n = 162 96 Protected area n = 134 Sacred groves n = 167 24 19 20 5 37 14 n = 70 34 n = 39 n = 75 10 12 1 25 4 n = 86 64 n = 97 n = 142 6 49 11 18 A C B Figure 5 – Numbers of unique and shared species of (A) trees (≥ 10 cm dbh), (B) birds and (C) mushrooms.

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