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Ontario Veterinary College

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1 Ontario Veterinary College
RefWorks - from a Reference Librarian’s Perspective OCUL Meeting, Dec. 8, 2004 Jim Brett, Librarian Learning Commons Ontario Veterinary College University of Guelph Want to give an overview of fall activity wrt RW Have some good feedback from my colleagues at other OCUL Libraries Trends at UG as examples

2 OCUL Members and RW Quite varied picture by institution
few have postponed “launch” for local reasons some “soft launches” many more formal introductions most have some degree of “web presence” many without prior exper. in bib mgmt s/w Postponed launches waiting for SFX (get it”) Soft launches - RW is available but nothing formally scheduled Formal introductions - RW is advertized; sessions for faculty and grads

3 Current RW Activity

4 User Reaction Overall extremely positive Most “get it”
They have a “WOW” moment They come back for help Faculty call to set up classes Great Feedback “…this is a Godsend” Most “get it” (see the advantages) They have a “WOW” moment (with WnC) Users are very positive

5 Staff Reaction Some initial unease … - so how does it fit?
- my world just got more complex! Not just another web resource! Easier to use than other bib. mgmt. tools Well integrated with other products Instruction is easy and rewarding People are used to web based products - they have a basic understanding of the web environment and what to expect Not a software package where you have to develop unique expertise Integration with Scholar’s Portal and CSA databases is a big plus

6 Guelph’s rollout Trial of RW in W ‘03 F ‘04 formal rollout
Reached ca. 400 users F ‘04 formal rollout 20 one hr. signup workshops Reached ca. 85 users Lots of good experience People are used to web based products - they have a basic understanding of the web environment and what to expect Not a software package where you have to develop unique expertise Integration with Scholar’s Portal and CSA databases is a big plus

7 RW Activity - Guelph Repeat users are increasing
Monthly users are increasing Sessions per month are increasing

8 RW Activity - Guelph Relatively small number of faculty (we haven’t formally targeted that group) Good number of grad students High numbers (comparatively) of undergrads

9 Problems / Support Issues
Good news … no major problems Implementation went smoothly Support from refworks.scholarsportal team has been superb! Local “problems” - proxyservers, firewalls, user’s computers Specific aspects of RefWorks functionality ProCite, RefMan, Endnote … No major issues from front line staff My first indication of how things were going to go was with the roll-over from to Still may be issues to be resolved locally around EZProxy Still have to diagnose individual machine problems, e.g., registry problems (started out as asian character set problem) Support regarding import filters, e.g., 4 different APA formats essentially locall knowledge of what these things mean for the user

10 Research Support Stuff
It’s so integrated (SP, SFX, CSA) Easy to import information Easy to organize and personalize information Takes the work out of formatting the final product Shared databases for group work, faculty research Link between finding the material you need and producing the final paper

11 Research Support Stuff
Positive contribution to problem of plagiarism Collaboration with campus “writing services” Great for academic liaison activities Shared instructional resources between libraries (CORIL)

12 Frontline Issues RW workshop takes (me) 1 hr.
Limited time given / available Point of need instruction What’s the best way to introduce RW? (ug, grad faculty) Getting all staff comfortable with RW Sharing info locally and wider

13 Opportunities / Issues within OCUL
Getting everyone on the same page Move towards common interfaces / database providers, e.g. CSA Shared instructional resources Continuing to provide good, useable tools

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