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Worklessness Data on Neighbourhood Statistics

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1 Worklessness Data on Neighbourhood Statistics
Introduction - Me Ann Blake February 2006

2 Outline Worklessness data on Neighbourhood Statistics and Nomis
The Neighbourhood Statistics Website The Nomis website The future Presentation in four sections Start with worklessness related targets – then look at data available on Neighbourhood Statistics and Nomis Demo of the Neighbourhood Statistics website Demo of Nomis A look to the future for Neighbourhood Statistics

3 What is Neighbourhood Statistics?
Freely available website Bringing together information at the local level from a variety of sources. Targeted at users working in regeneration Neighbourhood Statistics – making information freely available via the internet Across government to bring together nationally consistent sources of information for small areas Targeted at users working in regeneration – has a much wider appeal – in the education sector and also among general public. Large proportion of our users are from local government

4 Worklessness - Floor targets
For those living in the wards with the worst labour market position: improve their overall employment rate; and, reduce the difference between their employment rate and the overall employment rate for England. Increase the employment rate for disadvantaged groups Lone parents Ethnic minorities Over 50s Those with low qualifications All targets positive – stated in terms of increasing employment rather than reducing worklessness Focus on disadvantaged groups in terms of area – worst wards – and population characteristics – lone parents etc

5 Worklessness – Other deprivation related targets
Increase the employment rate of people with disabilities, and reduce the gap with the overall rate. Reduce the proportion of children in households with no one in work Other deprivation related targets – similar theme for disabled people Also reducing children in households with no-one in work

6 Worklessness – Neighbourhood Statistics policy priorities
To assess the impact of policies to generate and sustain employment in local areas To create opportunities for small business and enterprise To improve employment opportunities Neighbourhood Statistics – policy priorities for data from Floor Targets and set in conjunction with ODPM

7 Worklessness – Neighbourhood Statistics policy priorities
To support work on social exclusion and the skills agenda To measure the success and impact of programmes to help people find work, reduce social exclusion and deprivation To improve employment opportunities for disadvantaged groups

8 Worklessness data on Neighbourhood Statistics
DWP benefits data New Deal starts Numbers of businesses Annual Population Survey A range of worklessness data on Neighbourhood Statistics Benefits data – JSA and Incapacity Benefit and Severe Disablement Allowance in Work deprivation domain, but also a number of other benefits New Deal Starts – numbers of people starting – Under 25’s, Lone parents, Over 50’s Numbers of businesses – local units and enterprises by employment size band and industry group APS – annual boost to labour force survey information – only good to local authority level

9 Worklessness data on Neighbourhood Statistics
Census Economic activity Industry Occupation Hours worked Travel to work Indices of Deprivation 2004 combined employment indicators Illness Unemployment benefits and New Deal Census – more detailed information, but increasingly out of date ID04 – two indicators in relation to illness, and take up of unemployment benefits and New Deal

10 Worklessness data on Nomis
Annual Business Inquiry Labour Force Survey and Annual Population Survey Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings Claimant count Nomis – ONS online labour market information system – around for over 20 years Neighbourhood Statistics funds – much more detailed data – updated more regularly and eg claimant count available for wide range of disaggregations Annual business inquiry – numbers of employees and businesses LFS and APS – annual data – APS more accurate as boosted ASHE

11 Worklessness data on Nomis
DWP benefits Jobs density Jobcentre plus vacancies VAT registrations Census DWP benefits – range of benefits data, also cross benefits analysis at LA level – refer to Nigel Brough Jobs density – no of jobs per person in an area Vacancies from Jobcentre plus VAT registrations and deregistrations

12 Worklessness data – Other online sources
Floor Targets Interactive Directly relates to floor targets in NRF areas Neighbourhood Renewal Unit Local online services NERIP FTI – NRU website – only relates to Floor Targets in 88 NRF areas Local online services NERIP website – reports and indicators

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14 Homepage

15 Profile summary















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31 Worklessness – Data developments
Support Floor Targets and other related targets Looking to provide data on: DWP cross benefits analysis to LSOA level New Deal jobs and outcomes Subject to resource issues and data availability. Case studies to provide guidance All planned developments are designed to improve info available to monitor progress against priorities Cross benefits data – aim for LSOA level, and quarterly updates – unusual on NeSS New Deal jobs and outcomes – QA at end of month – will decide on publication after that Resources always an issue Worklessness case study in progress – will look at how data can be used

32 Website developments End February 2006 June 2006
Updated Neighbourhood Profile Time series graph added to map display June 2006 New area-based user journey Enhanced searches

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