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~Snacks~ To eat, or not to eat?.

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1 ~Snacks~ To eat, or not to eat?

2 ~Question: Who needs to snack? ~Answer: EVERYONE!!!
It is a common misconception that snacking is bad and can cause weight gain. This is because most people think of snacks as a bag of chips or some cookies. They do not pay attention to serving sizes on the nutrition labels. Eating healthy snacks keeps you energized throughout the day.

3 ~Question: Who needs to snack? ~Answer: EVERYONE!!!
***Note: Not everyone snacks the same way! If you don’t go to practice then you shouldn’t be eating the food you would as if you had. You’re not burning as many calories so you don’t need to replace them.***

4 Make a Plan: Go to the grocery store! Make a list of healthy snacks and make a trip to the store to stock up for the week. Writing things down and having a game plan is important, having self-discipline and sticking to that plan is even more important.

5 Eat Nutrient Dense Food:
Instead of picking up a bag of Lay’s potato chips which are full of bad fats, try eating some antioxidant-packed kale chips (kale is also an anti-inflammatory). You can purchase kale chips, or make them yourself in a food dehydrator.

6 Diversify Food Choices:
Try not to eat the same things every day. When you write your grocery list, try to have diversity with your selection. Humans are creatures of habit and we don’t always like to step out of our comfort zones, try to keep things well-rounded and switch up your routine every now and then.

7 anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties:
Choose foods with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties: ~Berries – Acai, blueberry, etc. ~Cherries – Now is the season! ~Leafy greens – Swiss chard, kale, etc. ~Walnuts – Serving size is about 1 handful, no more than 2 servings per day ~Beta carotene foods - Sweet potatoes, carrots, mangos, peaches, etc. ~Whey – Contains glutathione, which is an antioxidant

8 Examples of Healthier Snacks:
~Hummus with natural pita chips or raw veggies. Traditional hummus is made with chickpeas, olive oil, tahini, garlic and spices. It is packed with protein, fiber, vitamins, and heart-healthy fat. You can buy it ready to eat in small packs or make your own. ~Tote around a small jar of nut butter – try peanut, almond or sunflower seed butter to spread on whole grain bread, veggie sticks (like carrots and celery) or on fruit slices (like apples). These nut butters contain protein, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and other vitamins and minerals. ~Tuna fish now comes in convenient pouches and includes various flavors, including lemon-pepper and hickory-smoked. Tuna contains anti-inflammatory properties from omega-3.

9 Examples of Healthier Snacks:
~Nuts – just put in a small snack bag. Best choices include: raw or lightly salted almonds, walnuts, peanuts, and pistachios. ~Hard boiled egg – contains a clean protein and a choice for omega-3 anti-inflammatory properties. ~Greek yogurt – almost 20g of protein in a variety of flavors. Add fresh berries for a heartier snack. ~Cottage cheese with fresh fruit. ~Beef, turkey or elk jerky.

10 Examples of Healthier Snacks:
~Nut butter with banana – bananas are one of the best pre-and post-workout snacks. Loaded with potassium and vitamin B6, they help maintain blood sugar and re-stock electrolytes. ~Whey – add to a smoothie of your choice. Whey protein isolate is the purest form of whey protein and is a complete protein that contains all of the essential amino acids. It is absorbed quickly and efficiently into the body. The protein and amino acids are essential in muscle re-building, especially after a strenuous workout or race.

11  REMEMBER!!! Happy Snacking!
*Read food labels to determine serving sizes and find out what the ingredients are.* Happy Snacking!

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