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Growing Dendrites for Staff and Students the IMSLT2 Way

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1 Growing Dendrites for Staff and Students the IMSLT2 Way
WABE Conference Bellevue, WA April 29, 2016 Presented by Janis Heigl Thomas Romero

2 Tell me I forget Show me, I remember Involve me, I understand
IMSLT2 Tell me I forget Show me, I remember Involve me, I understand - Old Chinese Proverb

3 What is the IMSLT2 Academy/Institute?
A Integrated STEM Brain Based Instructional Professional Development and Student Intervention Model Focused on Best Practices for Math Instruction Focused on Science and Engineering practices Focused on Language Development and ELP implementation Focused on the use of present technology A Paired Trainer/Coach Model


5 IMSLT2 a Powerful Professional Development Model
Based on the Joyce and Showers Model for Professional Development (i.e. GLAD) Participants have the opportunity to observe Best Practice in integrated instruction Participants are encouraged to interact and participate with students at appropriate times for instruction Participants discuss and debrief observed instruction to gain clarity and understanding

6 IMSLT2 a Powerful Student Intervention Model
Brain Based Compatible Learning Environment Enriched Environment focused on Language Development and Academic Vocabulary Translanguaging used as a model for Language Development Engaging Interactive Learning – Hands on STEM Learning Activities Strong Reading, Writing, Math, and Science Content Integration

7 Why does the IMSLT2 Work? “Brain Based Compatible Learning as defined by Leslie Hart describes a classroom whose curriculum and instruction fits the way the brain learns; i.e. allows the human brain to operate the way it does naturally and thus most powerfully.” - Kovalik

8 IMSLT2 Brain Compatible Learning Elements
Absence of Threat Meaningful Content Choices Adequate Time Enriched Environment Collaboration Immediate Feedback Mastery

9 IMSLT2 Intentionally Teaches the Engineering Design Process

10 IMSLT2 “One Learns by Doing” - Aristotle

11 IMSLT2 Anchored in the ELPS and Three Keys for Language Learning
Comprehension Engagement Production

12 IMSLT2 Staff Development And Motor Layers
The relationship between neuroanatomy, cognition, language and perception (learning) including effects of sensory or perceptual impairment (e.g., otitis media, abuse, etc.). Language representation includes development of oral, reading, writing assessment and intervention strategies. ( Arwood, E)

13 IMSLT2 Staff Development Delivery Models
The Academy/Institute Full Staff Embedded PD Model Trainers work with Staff to implement model and strategies during Intercessions or Summer School Session Half-day instruction with students Half-day in-service training and strategies review and prep No substitutes needed Mini Brain Academy/Institute Trainers observed during classroom instruction Mini session on consecutive Saturdays (4-6 weeks) Half-day Instruction with students Half-day in-service training and strategies review and prep No substitute needed

14 IMSLT2 Staff Development Contacts
Janis Heigl Education Solutions Northwest Thomas Romero Romero Educational Consulting

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