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Circular Flow of the Economy

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1 Circular Flow of the Economy
AP Macro Dual Credit Macro

2 Markets-mechanisms that allow for buying and selling
Factor Markets-productive resources are bought and sold. Product Markets-producers sell goods/services to consumers. Recently markets have evolved into cyberspace, with buyers and sellers interacting through computers without leaving their homes.

3 Circular Flow Concepts
Product Market – where goods and services are exchanged Households – suppliers of the factors of production & demanders of goods and services Government – providers of public goods and services & demanders of both private goods and services and the factors of production Businesses / Firms – suppliers of goods and services & demanders of the factors of production Factor Market – where the factors of production are exchanged

4 <<<<Goods and Services <<<<
Product Market <<<<Goods and Services <<<< >>>$ Household Spending $>>> <<<goods & services<<< <<<public goods<<< >>$ government spending $>> >>$ taxes $>>> >>>public goods>>> >>>factors of production>>> <<$ taxes $<< <<$ factor payments $<< Households Government Businesses / Firms <<<$ Rent, wages, interest & profits $<<< >>>> Land, labor, capital & entrepreneurship >>>> Factor Market

5 Circular Flow Diagram This diagram illustrates the flow of goods/services and money in a market system. In a market economy-consumers and businesses answer the what, how and for whom to produce questions. Other terms include, capitalism and mixed or free market economy.

6 Circular Flow of the Economy
Individuals Factor Markets Industry Product Markets Govt

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