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Welcome to 1st Grade Room 308!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 1st Grade Room 308!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 1st Grade Room 308!

2 Teacher: Mrs. Sanders Para: Mrs.Amy Exley

3 The ABC’s of First Grade!

4 Attendance Attendance is crucial to learning. Please make sure your child is to school unless they are sick. If they are absent please send in an excuse when they return.

5 Birthdays-Students may bring in nut-free treats for their birthday during our lunch time 11:45 – 12:25.

6 Conferences- Conferences are held twice a year October/February. Watch for information and reply accordingly. I am also available to conference as needed, however; we will need to schedule a time convenient for both of us.

7 Dimissal: Dismissal begins at 3:10. If there are any changes in home transportation, a note/phone call is required before 12o’clock.

8 - is my preferred method of communication because of the quick turn around.

9 Field Trip- we will be taking a field trip to Honey Ridge Farm. More information to come.

10 Grading – Students will be assessed by the following:
C=70-79 F= 69 and below.

11 Homework Students will be given math homework as needed. On a daily basis they will have reading and I ask that they read at least 10 minutes every night.

12 Independence- is a goal for students because it builds self-esteem and self- confidence. First graders are very capable of doing many things on their own and I encourage them to do as much as they can for themselves in the classroom. Please encourage them to think through and problem-solve in everyday situations.

13 Just Ask- There are several opportunities to volunteer in our classroom – from donating supplies, reading to kids, making resources at home, to assisting with special events. JUSK ASK!

14 By checking the RED Folder Daily and reviewing graded work sent home.
Keeping Informed- By checking the RED Folder Daily and reviewing graded work sent home.

15 Lunch: Lunch begins at 11:45. Please send lunch money in your child’s envelope in the their Red Folder and label it.

16 Managing Behavior - Please review the school Class Dojo letter. Make sure you connect to see what positives and negatives your child is receiving.

17 Newsletters – Classroom news and upcoming events will be located on the newsletter along with our focus skills for the week.

18 Organization First graders are expected to keep themselves organized. We will have folders and notebooks labeled. They are expected to keep their areas neat, clean and organized. in an excuse when they return.

19 P.E.- Students must wear tennis shoes on PE days. (Mondays & Thursdays) No open toe shoes are allowed any day of the week.

20 Questions- Instead of asking your child, “What did you do in school today?” ask, “What book did you read during independent reading?” or “What did you learn in math?”.

21 Report Cards: Report cards will be sent home every nine weeks. Please see the district calendar for specific dates.

22 Sharpening the Saw: Habit 7 leads students to taking care of their bodies by getting sleep, nutritious food, and exercising. Sharpen the Saw while at home!

23 Teamwork: We will discuss teamwork and how to cooperate and get along positively with our classmates.

24 Unique: Each student in my classroom is unique. I will do my very best to differentiate instruction to insurance that all children get what they need to be successful in second grade.

25 Visitors: Visitors are welcome! Please make sure when you arrive at school to visit that you register in the office and pick up a badge instead of coming directly to the classroom. This policy is for the safety of your children.

26 WOW Board- This board will be used the same way as a bingo board. Once students earn a brag tag then they will find a space on the WOW! Board and write their name. Once filled I will draw a few spots and they will earn a coupon of their choice!

27 XYX- It is EXTRAORDINARILY important for your child to have successful first grade YEAR. I will do my best t make learning fun and exciting- you can expect a lot of growth in so many different areas. It will seem as if the school year will ZOOM by!

28 Schedule for Our Class!

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