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Figurative Language Review

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1 Figurative Language Review
Figurative language is… Language that cannot be taken literally. Language that does not mean exactly what it says, so we have to interpret it!

2 Why use figurative language?
Comparison Emphasis Clarity When an author uses figurative language it is purposeful – for a specific effect (to make us visualize, to emphasize an idea, etc)

3 A simile is… a comparison of two unlike things using “like” or “as.”
Example: That class is like a three-ring circus. Literal meaning: they are clowns, acrobats and performers in a circus Figurative meaning: the students are acting wild and crazy

4 A Metaphor is… a comparison between two unlike things or ideas WITHOUT using “like” or “as.” Example: You are the wind beneath my wings. Literal meaning: You are actually the wind that keeps me up in the air Figurative Meaning: You are a supportive help friend who helps keep me going

5 Personification is… ≠ Giving nonhuman subjects human qualities
Examples: The moon was jealous of the sun. My pencil danced across the page. The night was hungry for blood.

6 Practice On the next few slides there will be a passage with a piece of figurative language. Identify whether it is an example of a…. Metaphor Simile Personification

7 The flowers bowed to the ground.

8 Answer: Personification

9 Your momma is as fat as a whale.

10 Answer: Simile

11 It’s raining men.

12 Answer: Metaphor

13 Lady Montague drowned in a sea of grief (after Romeo is sent out of Verona).

14 Answer: Metaphor

15 When Ms. Hannon gave the evil eye, silence crept over the classroom.

16 Answer: Personification

17 My love is as boundless as the sea.

18 Answer: Simile

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