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Stem Cells The alternative.

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1 Stem Cells The alternative

2 What are Stem Cells? Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. Serving as a sort of repair system for the body, they can theoretically divide without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive.

3 Stem Cells? When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell.

4 The Challenge Focus on the Family founder and chairman Dr. James C. Dobson has issued a bold challenge to the national news media, urging them to tell the American people the truth – and not the politically correct party line -- when reporting on the growing controversy over embryonic stem-cell research.

5 The Problem “Embryonic stem cells are not going to be the source of a cure for Alzheimer’s… Are you aware that not one human being anywhere in the world is being treated with embryonic stem cells? There is not a single clinical trial going on anywhere in the world, because (embryonic) stem cells in laboratory animals … create tumors. Nobody will use them.” Dr. James C. Dobson

6 The Truth is… All of the successful stem-cell therapies and experiments have involved cells that require no use of embryos. These are called "adult stem cells" (ASCs), though they also refer to cells found in non-adult tissue such as umbilical cords, placentas and amniotic fluid.

7 Exciting Stem Cell Progress
H. Reg McDaniel, M.D. has been documenting evidence that the Stem Cells can be increased in the human body with glyconutrients.

8 Natural stem cell thereapy
According to Dr. Reg McDaniel, the body is able to do its own natural "stem cell therapy" when it receives enough Glyconutrients. Evidently, there are numerous free floating stem cells in your blood that are available to be assigned to do "stem cell therapy" wherever it is most needed in the body, and they are ACTIVATED and enabled to do their work by Glyconutrients.

9 ASCs Vs Glyconutrients
Dr Reg McDaniel says that after one week on glyconutritionals the stem cell count within our own body goes from 1 to 500 That means your body will produce about 1 trillion stem cells in one week.

10 A Trillion Cells? The Empire State Building is 1,250 feet tall. It would take about 33 Empire State Buildings stacked on top of each other to fit one trillion one dollar bills. A trillion is a thousand billions

11 Compare: 1 Trillion cells using glyconutritionals costs $50 to $100 dollars 1 injection of 200 stem cells from questionable source costs $250,000

12 Bill Gates Bill Gates couldn’t even afford to buy enough injections to get a trillion stem cells

13 Current Clinical Uses of Adult Stem Cells:
• Cancers—Lymphomas, multiple myeloma, leukemias, breast cancer, neuroblastoma, renal cell carcinoma, ovarian cancer • Autoimmune diseases—multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, scleromyxedema, Crohn’s disease • Anemias (incl. sickle cell anemia) • Immunodeficiencies—including human gene therapy • Bone/cartilage deformities—children with osteogenesis imperfecta • Corneal scarring-generation of new corneas to restore sight • Stroke—neural cell implants in clinical trials • Repairing cardiac tissue after heart attack—bone marrow or muscle stem cells from patient • Parkinson’s—retinal stem cells or patient’s own neural stem cells • Growth of new blood vessels—e.g., preventing gangrene • Gastrointestinal epithelia—regenerate damaged ulcerous tissue • Skin—grafts grown from hair follicle stem cells, after plucking a few hairs from patient

14 Safe, natural & effective
Give your body the nutrients it needs to produce trillions of stem cells on its own.

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