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Support structure and target pre-stress

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1 Support structure and target pre-stress
LQS01 assembly plan Paolo Ferracin LQS01 readiness review #1 Support structure and target pre-stress LBNL April 7, 2009

2 Outline Assembly of coil pack LQS01 pre-stress scenarios
Paolo Ferracin 04/07/2009

3 LQS01 coil-pack assembly procedure
Paolo Ferracin 04/07/2009

4 LQS01 coil-pack assembly procedure
Inner strong-back is attached to first coil Inner strong-back, with first coil, is rotated to engage second coil Paolo Ferracin 04/07/2009

5 LQS01 coil-pack assembly procedure
Placement of this bottom coil-pair on the bottom load-pad assembly of the coil-pack Paolo Ferracin 04/07/2009

6 LQS01 coil-pack assembly procedure
Roll-over wheels are installed and assembly is placed on the surface plate Coil-pair is rolled over, constrained in position and wheels are removed Paolo Ferracin 04/07/2009

7 LQS01 coil-pack assembly procedure
Outer strong-back is attached and inner strong-back is detached Paolo Ferracin 04/07/2009

8 LQS01 coil-pack assembly procedure
Coils are lifted to be placed on top of bottom coils Paolo Ferracin 04/07/2009

9 LQS01 coil-pack assembly procedure

10 Test of the coil-pack assembly procedure
Placement of 2 dummy coils on bottom pad Roll over operation tested with coil 4 and 5 Placement of coil 4 and 5 on top of dummy coils Paolo Ferracin 04/07/2009

11 Outline Assembly of coil pack LQS01 pre-stress scenarios
Paolo Ferracin 04/07/2009

12 LQS01 target pre-stress Scenario 1: pre-load for 240 T/m (13.8 kA)
Shell Strain From 520 to 1860 µε Stress From 40 to 165 MPa Coil pole From -400 to -816 µε From -57 to -128 MPa Coil peak stress: 170 MPa Paolo Ferracin 04/07/2009

13 LQS01 target pre-stress Scenario 2: pre-load for 230 T/m (13.2 kA)
Shell Strain From 386 to 1714 µε Stress From 29 to 152 MPa Coil pole From -295 to -701 µε From -42 to -112 MPa Coil peak stress: 160 MPa Paolo Ferracin 04/07/2009

14 LQS01 target pre-stress Scenario 3: pre-load for 220 T/m (12.6 kA)
Shell Strain From 252 to 1567 µε Stress From 19 to 139 MPa Coil pole From -189 to -586 µε From -27 to -97 MPa Coil peak stress: 150 MPa Paolo Ferracin 04/07/2009

15 Dummy coil stress at 77 K Measured azimuthal: -194 ± 25 MPa
Target azimuthal: -225 MPa Paolo Ferracin 04/07/2009

16 Shell azimuthal microstrain during LQSD loading
Initial “gap-keys” condition: ~200 microstrain Paolo Ferracin 04/07/2009

17 Pre-load scenarios and comparison with TQS02 (scaled) cases
ey (293 K) ey (4.5 K) σy (293 K) σy (4.5 K) Microstrain MPa Shell 240 T/m, σpeak_coil = 170 MPa +520 ± 190 +1860 ± 222 +40 ± 15 +165 ± 18 230 T/m, σpeak_coil = 160 MPa +386 ± 190 +1714 ± 222 +29 ± 15 +152 ± 18 220 T/m, σpeak_coil = 150 MPa +252 ± 190 +1567 ± 222 +19 ± 15 +139 ± 18 TQS02a +1506 ± 284 +169 ± 30 TQS02b +1767 ± 333 +193 ± 37 TQS02c +1829 ± 334 +198 ± 43 TQS02d +1842 ± 319 +200 ± 37 Ti pole -400 ± 157 -816 ± 231 -57 ± 12 -128 ± 24 230 T/m, σpeak_coil = 160 MPa -295 ± 157 -701 ± 231 -42± 12 -112 ± 24 220 T/m, σpeak_coil = 150 MPa -189 ± 157 -586 ± 231 -27 ± 12 -97 ± 24 -960 ± 62 -142 ± 13 Paolo Ferracin 04/07/2009

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