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Sense of Smell Web Questions

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1 Sense of Smell Web Questions

2 1. The sense of smell plays a vital role in our sense of _____ and quality of _____.
well-being life

3 2. No two people _____ the same odor the _____ way
2. No two people _____ the same odor the _____ way. Everyone has his or her own unique odor-identity or “smell fingerprint. smell same

4 3. The average human being is able to recognize approximately _____ different odors.

5 4. Our sense of _____ is greatly influenced by our sense of smell.

6 5. Our sense of smell in responsible for about _____% of what we taste.

7 6. Without our sense of smell, our sense of taste is limited to only _____distinct sensations: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and the newly discovered “umami” or savory sensation. five

8 7. All other _____ that we experience come from smell.

9 8. When our nose is blocked, as by a cold, most foods seem _____or __________.
bland tasteless

10 9. Our sense of smell becomes _____ when we are hungry

11 10. A larger portion of the brains of animals (and fish) are devoted to the sense of _____ than that of humans. smell

12 11. Your nose can smell __________, telling you where an odor originates.

13 12. Your sense of smell is least acute in the __________; our ability to perceive odors __________ as the day wears on. morning increases

14 13. A woman’s sense of smell is _____ than a man’s.

15 14. It is important to understand that throughout every day and night of our lives we smell a wide variety of odors without being _____ of them at all. aware

16 15. People recall smells with _____% accuracy after a year, while the visual recall of photos sinks to about _____% after only three months. 65 50

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