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By: Jhael Cortes Period 10 Algebra II

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1 By: Jhael Cortes Period 10 Algebra II
Pei Pyramid By: Jhael Cortes Period 10 Algebra II '

2 The Pei Pyramid The Pei Pyramid located in Louvre, France was created by the architect I.M. Pei. It was commissioned in 1984 and completed in 1989. The main purpose of the Pei Pyramid was to have an amazingly beautiful entrance to the Louvre Museum.

3 The Man Behind the Building
The architect behind the design and concept of the Pyramid was I.M. Pei. His other works include the John F. Kennedy Memorial Library, the Dallas City Hall building, and many more. His design's originate from cubic themes, merging them with what fit's his structure's environment.

4 Math found in the Pyramid
I didn't find any math inside this history museum but I did find some math about it [: The Pei Pyramid, constructed entirely of glass segments reaches a height of 20.6 meters, and its square base sides have a length of 35 meters, for a total (ground surface) area of 1,225 sq. meters. It consists of 603 rhombus shaped, and 70 glass segments.

5 Architectural Phenomena
It is still in existence, well until I throw a rock at it. This pyramid itself wasn't a “leap” in architectural design, it is modern though. This made it receive some criticism upon construction, people argued its futuristic look didn't conform to the Louvre's classical, stone look. I'n my opinion it looks amazing and well fitting, its also complimented well by the surrounding “little pyramids” which along with the inverted pyramid provide skylights for the underground section of the Louvre Museum.

6 Architectural Phenomena cont.
The building itself is amazing, I mean when I first saw it I was wondering how such an amazing idea was actually put into reality. Of course the fact it's made out of glass is jaw dropping because when it's illuminated at night its one of the most beautiful structure's I've ever seen.

7 References Pei Pyramid Architect: I.M. Pei
_pyramids.htm Architect: I.M. Pei 28/world/im.pei.paris_1_iconic-pyramid-louvre- museum-glass-pyramid?_s=PM:WORLD

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