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Mental Apparel Presents

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1 Mental Apparel Presents
APICS Northeast District Meeting Think NAKED!

2 Yes, I Do Mean Naked!!!! It’s not what you’re wearing!
It’s what is wearing you down! Thoughts drive words and actions!

3 Today’s Objectives Identify and challenge the negative thoughts that are holding your chapter back Identify the value that APICS brings to your community Develop goals, action plans and accountability to deliver value to your marketplace

4 Will You Play Full Out Today?
Have you ever gone through a period in life where you just go through the motions? Playing full out means the opposite, it means you give life all you’ve got. It means that we set goals that do justice to our potentials. We love what we do, and we do what we love. We’re awake, we’re alert and engaged! I’ll play full out today if you will! I’ll give you all I can in the next 50 minutes, if you’ll promise to do the same by taking notes and asking questions, agreed?

5 Eliminate Negative Thoughts
Our thoughts go unquestioned Are likely untrue Negative thoughts are bad habits Estimates place the number of thoughts we have each day at 40 to 60 thousand, and 80% are thought to be negative!  Where do they come from?  Here's some new research on the subject.  In his book, Virus of the Mind, Richard Brodie describes a memetic, or meme (rhymes with beam), as "a thought, belief, or attitude in your mind that can spread to or from other minds."  So mind viruses are not spread by sneezing, like the flu, but they do spread, and once in your mind they can affect behavior.  Think of some limiting and negative beliefs you have picked up from parents, teachers, and co-workers over the years.  Here are some that might be familiar:  "Our family has always been poor (or overweight, or unlucky)."  "The economy has destroyed our business, there is no sense in advertising or making sales calls right now."  "There is waste in our manufacturing process, but it just can't be helped, it's always been there."  Can you see how these negative thoughts help us to acquire the excuses that keep us from succeeding and enjoying the happiness that is our birthright? Just as you're infected by these viruses, you can disinfect yourself by choosing to think differently.  First notice your negative thoughts. Then, simply exchange the negative thought with its positive counterpart.  "I'm stupid" becomes "I'm smart and resourceful."  "I'm broke and in debt" becomes "I have an infinite source of abundance."  “Habit is habit and not to be flung out the window... but to be coaxed downstairs a step at a time." – Mark Twain

6 The only thing you have to fear is fear itself
One Way to Think Naked! Let go of limiting beliefs and obstacles Skinny inDay Camp Style The only thing you have to fear is fear itself Discuss and do our version of skinny dipping. Groups of 3 -4, write down limiting beliefs and throw them off. Toss them into the pool!

7 Take 100% Responsibility Examples: Blaming Complaining Justifying
We have to learn to take more responsibility for our lives. This is the first, and most important step in creating a successful life. In order to do this, we have to be willing to give up blaming and complaining. We spend most of our time blaming things outside of ourselves. We blame the boss, the traffic, our elected officials, lately, the economy. Whatever it is, we blame something outside of ourselves. The second thing we have to give up is our excuses. According to Wayne Dyer in Excuses Be Gone!, our excuses are avoidance techniques that keep us from taking charge and changing our thinking habits. Another way we fail to take responsibility for our own lives is to complain to the wrong person. We complain about co-workers to our spouses and friends and about our spouses and friends to our co-workers. We need to discuss our complaints with the person who can use the feedback to do something about it.

8 Turnaround Thinking “We can’t” becomes “We can”
“We’re not” converts to “We are” “Nobody wants” turns into “Somebody needs” Costs 2 bucks for: Blaming, complaining, Defending and justifying!!! Just as you're infected by thought viruses, you can disinfect yourself by choosing to think differently.  First notice your negative thoughts. Then, simply exchange the negative thought with its positive counterpart.  "I'm stupid" becomes "I'm smart and resourceful."  "I'm broke and in debt" becomes "I have an infinite source of abundance." 

9 Super Successful Individuals
Jack Canfield, author of the Chicken Soup For the Soul series and the book, The Success Principles, and Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, have interviewed and documented thousand of individuals who have used these principles to achieve amazing results in their personal and professional lives. Jack Canfield learned many of these techniques in working with W. Clement Stone, and Napoleon Hill learned similar techniques as a young man working with Andrew Carnegie. As a matter of fact, Hill, Stone, and Carnegie collaborated in sharing these techniques, fathering the personal development movement of today. So you are about to be exposed to the success habits of four extremely wealthy and successful individuals.

10 Thinking NAKED!!!! NYC Dumpster turned swimming pool
Product launch of IPAD, as of 8/12/10, has sold over 3 million units!

11 Ability to conduct courses Ability to recruit volunteers
Exercise! 5 minutes in teams: Write down all the negative thoughts you hold about your chapters: Current Market Membership Ability to conduct courses Ability to recruit volunteers

12 Convinced that APICS provides value
Exercise! 5 minutes, same teams: Write down all the reasons why you are: An APICS member An APICS volunteer Convinced that APICS provides value

13 Best Advice for Getting NAKED!!!!

14 Ditch Your Elevator Speech!
Don’t talk to potential customers, talk with them Ask questions Uncover their needs Then provide solutions Examples???

15 Think Give, not GET Give away value: Website content Social media
Blogs E-news Pdfs Reading lists Mentor

16 Questions? We’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have.
Also feedback and suggestions for improving the webinar will be warmly appreciated! 16

17 Ask About Think NAKED! Seminars
Think NAKED! can be customized for: Sales and Marketing Customer Service Care Givers Non profits Teachers Health care providers Your special interest groups

18 Maryanne Ross, CFPIM, CIRM, CSCP
Thank Contact: Maryanne Ross, CFPIM, CIRM, CSCP Mental Apparel LLC

19 Thank You!

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