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Financial Strategies Stefano Grazioli.

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Presentation on theme: "Financial Strategies Stefano Grazioli."— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial Strategies Stefano Grazioli

2 Critical Thinking Easy meter

3 Delta Hedging The Greeks

4 Delta Neutral Portfolio
Delta Hedging Objective: determine what is the right type and quantity of securities to counterbalance the movements of a security that we own. Delta Neutral Portfolio

5 What is Delta? O2 – O1 U2 – U1 Delta =
Delta is a parameter. Roughly, it is the change in an option price when the underlying stock price changes by a unit (e.g., one dollar). O2 – O1 U2 – U1 Example1: we observe that a call option price goes down by $1.60 when a stock goes down by $2. Delta = / = +0.8 Example2: a put option is up by $0.5, when the stock is down by $1. Delta = 0.50 / = -0.5 Delta =

6 Balancing a Position in the HT
I own 100,000 AAPL stocks. I am bearish - I think that the Stock price may go down. What kind and how many options do I need, in order to counter-balance possible price changes and preserve my portfolio value?

7 Delta Hedging Example We want to hedge 100,000 long AAPL stocks that we found in our IPs. First, we need to find a security that counterbalances that behavior Stock price long Stock Current Price

8 Hedging a Long Stock long call short call short put long put
Stock price long Stock Current Price Profit & Loss Profit & Loss long call Stock price short call Stock price strike strike Profit & Loss Profit & Loss long put short put Stock price Stock price strike strike

9 Short calls have the right behavior (also long puts)
- How many short calls? long Stock short call Strike Stock price Current Price

10 How many short calls are needed to make our position price-neutral?
gain/loss from options = - gain/loss from stocks Noptions * (O2-O1) = - Nstocks * (U2-U1) Noptions = - Nstocks * (U2-U1)/(O2-O1) Noptions = - Nstocks * 1/Deltacall Noptions = - 100,000 * 1/0.8 Noptions = - 125, i.e., we need 125,000 short calls.

11 Numeric Check Suppose that the APPL stock price decreases by $10. What happens to my portfolio? by assumption: Option price change / Underlier price change = 0.8 so: Option price change = 0.8 * (-$10) = -$8 Change in Portfolio value = 100,000 * (-$10) + (-125,000) * (-$8) = = -1,000, ,000,000 = $0 We have a Delta neutral portfolio (yay!)

12 Computing Delta (homework)
Delta of a Call Option = N(d1) Delta of a Put Option = N(d1) -1 d1 = {ln(S/X) + (r + s 2/2) t} s t N() is the standard normal cumulative distribution function and it is provided in Excel

13 What Hedges What If your position is... ...this is what you need
x Short call x * Delta long stock x Long call x * Delta short stock x Short put x * |Delta-1| short stock x Long put x * |Delta-1| long stock x Short stock x * 1/Delta long call or n 1/|Delta-1| short put x Long stock X * 1/Delta short call or n 1/|Delta-1| long put Much better than the 1 on 1 technique seen before and a viable manual technique

14 Need for Recalibration
There is a catch. Delta changes with time....

15 Dynamic Delta Hedging Noptions = - 111,111 so, we need to buy back
Delta changes with S, r, s and t. Since they all change in time, the hedge needs to be periodically readjusted – a practice called rebalancing (r, s are fixed in the HT). Example: Yesterday we wanted to hedge 100,000 long stock and so we shorted 125,000 calls. But today the delta is 0.9. 100,000 = - Noptions * 0.9 Noptions = - 111, so, we need to buy back 13,889 calls (=125, ,111) to maintain delta neutrality.

16 What Is New In Technology?
WINIT What Is New In Technology?

17 Strategy: Offset the Position with a Synthetic Security
Profit & Loss Perfect hedge, but costly. Synthetic Short position Long position to hedge Stock price Total Payoff

18 Put-Call Parity For European Ps and Cs that have the same strike K, and expire by the same time t: P + S = C + K e-rt We can solve for S, P, or C, effectively synthesizing a security with a combination of the other two and some interest-earning cash. Example: S = C + Ke-rt – P and - S = - C - Ke-rt + P


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