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Open House 2017-18 2nd grade Mrs. Gayle Denny Houser.

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Presentation on theme: "Open House 2017-18 2nd grade Mrs. Gayle Denny Houser."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open House nd grade Mrs. Gayle Denny Houser

2 About Me 20th year teaching
BA in Elem. Educ, certified in ESOL and Gifted Education Was stay at home mom when my 2 boys were young 8th year at Curtis, previously at Plumb Elem. Previous president of Little League in Clwtr. PTA board positions, HS golf board, 2 sons, Brian and Zack both live in Clearwater Married in 2011, Steve Houser Added 6 more children to my family  We have 10 grandchildren, 5 in Florida, one that goes to Curtis Summer – travelled to 20 different states!

3 Classroom – variety of areas for movement and refocusing
Flexible seating- round table, floor, stand, lap boards, yoga ball, etc. Will change partnerships periodically Student Jobs Empowerment Positively Charged Students – record on Mondays CFN on Tuesdays

4 Weekly Specials Classes
Schedule Weekly Specials Classes M - Art, T – Music W – F PE 8:00-8:30 Reading Intervention 8:30-8:50 ELA 8:50-9:40 Specials 9:40-11;20 ELA 11:20-11:40 Math Intervention 11:44-12:14 Lunch 12:14-12:30 Recess 12:30-1:25 Math 1:25-1:55 Science, Social Studies Computer Lab ST math – 90 min weekly Wednesdays 1:30 -2, blldg. 7 iStation – 30 min. Mondays 9:45 building 7 Bi-weekly Library – 12:50

5 Grading Scale 100 – 90 E 89 – V 79 – S 69 – 60 N Below U

6 Our Classroom Student Expectation
Our classroom is a place where we do our best! We can make mistakes…that is how we learn. The power of YET! Growth mindset Whole Brain learning with rules 1 – 5 Teach, switch, mirror, etc. Positibe R

7 Consequences Reward Verbal warnings
Move colored stick from the Great Day, Blue cup Written warning Reward Verbal praise Earn dollars Fun Activities Blue special activities

8 Water Bottles - If your child brings a water bottle to school for PE then make sure their name is on it. You can use a permanent marker and write their name on the lid or side before it gets cold. Agenda books - Required to be signed daily. Please sign them at the bottom of the page for each day. Unsigned agendas will result in a warning being sent home that day (this includes Fridays).

9 Student papers and homework - Please sign your name in the top right corner. This is where I will look for this information. If your child does not complete their assigned homework it will be returned to be completed. An incomplete assignment, missing assignment or no parent signature on the first page will result in a warning. By school policy, if an assignment is not turned in on the day it is due, it is still required to be turned in. For everyday that it is not turned in it will result in a warning/detention. Before giving any homework assignment I will have explained it to your child. I will not give a homework assignment unless we have discussed the skill/topic. Sometimes there will be 2 sides to a homework assignment so please make sure to look. Your child will be writing their homework assignment in their planners daily.

10 - The homework folder needs to be returned daily (Monday-Friday).
Items to Return – Homework, incomplete work, papers to be signed and returned Items to Keep – Checked/Graded work *All tests must be signed and returned Before School Guidelines- Adult supervision begins at 7:30am-students should not arrive at school before that time. They may not go into the classroom to get homework or planners if forgotten the day before. Students may enter the classroom no earlier than 7:50. Arrival after the 8:00am bell will be a tardy.

11 SNACK – the most important time of the day (to them)
We have snack at 10:30ish am daily. We work and snack. Please send in a healthy snack. For example: granola bar, fres10h fruit, crackers, goldfish, trail mix, etc. Thank you for watching the sugar content. Please no yogurt or fruit cups with the syrup.

12 Homework Fundamental policy – Please check Agenda binder for homework
Weekly team newsletter Must sign planner daily Manage workload around schedules Revised occasionally Must be in by 8:15 a.m., turned in complete, and correct assignment. No parents will be allowed in to sign planners or homework in the mornings Parent signature (no initials)

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