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Welcome to Ms. Wright’s 1st Period Math

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Ms. Wright’s 1st Period Math"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Ms. Wright’s 1st Period Math
Contact me:

2 Ms. Wright 25 years of teaching experience in special education
Ethan and Coal Ms. Wright 25 years of teaching experience in special education Graduate of The Ohio State University Grew up in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio Resided in Phoenix for last 20ish years with the exception of one year just outside New York City Married my “Mr. Wright”, have a 16 year old son, and a dog Enjoy hiking, yoga, and outdoor adventures with my family

3 Expectations Students are on time
Students come to class with homework completed Students participate in class discussions and ask questions Student behavior does not interfere with learning

4 Math resource Carnegie Learning
Cooperative based learning with a computer component (can be accessed from home) Students will have a consumable workbook to take notes and complete examples in Homework will be assigned from workbook or will be a worksheet

5 Daily warm up Homework check New lesson Practice in class Homework
Class structure Daily warm up Homework check New lesson Practice in class Homework

6 Homework policy Assigned daily Due the next day unless specified
NO late work accepted About 30 focused minutes to complete Posted on board and website 5 points per assignment If possible, time will be given at end of class to start assignment

7 Quiz corrections Not required; Student’s responsibility to complete corrections Students will have three days from time they receive quiz back to complete corrections Depending on the student’s work, up to half the points they missed can be earned back

8 Absences: Student’s responsibility to obtain the information and assignments they missed For each day absent, the student has one excused day to complete homework and assignments for full credit Please let me know if student will be absent ahead of time

9 materials One and a half inch binder Five dividers
Loose leaf lined paper Pencils with erasers Red pen Highlighter

10 Website Homework is posted daily
Assessments are announced well in advance Assessment reviews with answer keys are posted

11 Parent role Please encourage your child to keep trying
Stay on top of behavior and grades Check assignment calendar regularly Take an interest in their homework Help them study Attendance is extremely important! Everyday is something new and different from anything they have ever seen before Encourage your child to come in for extra help and to ask questions

12 Dry erase markers Red pens Clorox wipes Kleenex
Wish list Dry erase markers Red pens Clorox wipes Kleenex



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