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Defining and measuring results

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1 Defining and measuring results
EHRN Interim and final evaluation approach

2 The Regional Program evaluation
Baseline assessment (conducted in 2014 in 6 countries by external agency); Program implementation monitoring (program and financial reporting from EHRN staff, SSR and SRs conducted mostly quarterly throughout implementation of the Regional Program); Interim evaluation (beginning of 2016, conducted by EHRN and external interviewer) Final evaluation (beginning of 2017, will be conducted by external agency)

3 Measuring impact by objectives
Changes in HR funding OB 1: Sustainable HR funding OB2: community capacity policy Baseline assessment HR funding and procurements Financing through NGO Program sustainability Community involvement Regional influence 4 elements of influence: Evidence base on HR Collaborative environment Media environment Advocacy capacity building Milestones Processes indicators Baseline assessment

4 Measuring impact by objectives
Results – changes in HR funding stimulated by activities under the Regional Program Objectives - progress in developing sustainable HR policy environment for HR funding (objective 1) and progress in increasing community capacity for involvement in HR advocacy (objective 2). The Interim evaluation M&E framework: Scales for impact evaluation on national level Summary of regional influence for impact evaluation on regional level Four elements of advocacy efforts/activities influence for outcome evaluation on national level Milestones for outcome evaluation on regional level Aggregation of data from program reporting from EHRN and staff

5 Evaluation approach for HR funding
4 points of Data collection: 1. Impact evaluation of policies: HR funding situation in a country through measuring progress by 3 scales (by stakeholders and partners). Comparison of progress with baseline 2. Outcome evaluation: Milestones and interview with stakeholders and partners to evaluate changes achieved by the project by 4 elements. Comparison of progress with baseline 3. Output monitoring: Annually aggregated process indicators 4. Process monitoring: Detailed quarterly reports with process indicators provided by partners

6 Measuring impact: Advocacy for funding harm reduction and community capacity. National level
To insure sustainable funding of harm reduction services, 4 basic directions of institutionalization of the services are: Budgeting for harm reduction Mechanisms of contracting civil society and community based organizations to provide HR services HR program sustainability Civil society and PWUD community involvement in decisions on HR funding

7 Progress scales for country evaluation
Baseline assessment: Setting starting stages at the beginning of the Regional Program The progress of budget advocacy is measured by: Moving from stage to stage on each direction Stage completion is defined by development and establishment of a normative document that institutionalizes changes A stage can be completed partly implying that a country will get back in future to adjust and implement changes Impact of the Regional Program is changes on one or more stages of any direction Verification of the stage completion: Qualitative evaluation by different national stakeholders Comparison of progress made with the baseline

8 Sustainable HR funding based on community needs
Final Stage 4 Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Final Stage 6 Stage 5 Stage 4 Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Final Stage 6 Stage 5 Stage 4 Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Final Stage 5 Stage 4 Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 HR funding and procurements Financing through NGO Program sustainability Community involvement Baseline for the Regional Program Country’s progress on the direction

9 Questions for interview with stakeholders by four directions
S.1. Stages: Indicate 3 points on each of the scales – where country was at the beginning of the Regional Program; where it is at the moment; and where it is planned to be at the end of the Regional program S.2. Factors of changes: what factors did influence the progress? What events/activities of the Regional Program did make it possible to achieve the progress? S.3. Regional influence: How achievement of results was supported at the regional level?

10 Scale 1. Funding harm reduction from state budget
Services are provided (coverage in comparison with GF level) Expenses for HR are monitored. Price reduction for procurement is done Final Mechanisms of procurement of supply medical and non-medical goods is developed (budget code and classificatory of medical goods) Stage 6 Separate budget line with planned budget for HR (NSP, OST) services is defined in state/municipal budgets Stage 5 Harm reduction cost to be covered from domestic budget is included into the National HIV Program or other relevant national health program Stage 4 The state agency or ministry on national and municipal level responsible for HR services coordination/provision is defined Stage 3 Model/scenario of HR services provision and implementation is defined Stage 2 Availability of evidence-base on HR funding including determination of all legal and policy barriers Stage 1

11 Scale 2. Mechanisms of HR services funding through NGO
Coverage of services provided by NGO using NGO contracting mechanism is sufficient to respond on epidemic Final PUD community involvement in services provision and/or quality assuring or watch-dogging is defined and budgeted Stage 6 Mechanisms of NGO contracting for HR are piloted and adjusted to meet community needs and quality standards Stage 5 NGO can legally be contracted for provision HR services (implacable and transparent mechanisms of registering, licenses, using money, no pre-payment) Stage 4 NGO contracting/supporting mechanisms could be used for harm reduction services Stage 3 Selection procedures and requirements to NGO and CSO services providers are defined and transparent Stage 2 NGO contracting/supporting mechanisms exist in the country (for provision of social and medical services, youth and patriotism) Stage 1

12 Scale 3. Program sustainability
System of education and capacity building for HR services providers is developed, institutionalized and budgeted Final Monitoring of services quality with community participation is included in the national monitoring and evaluation strategy and budgeted Stage 4 The system of HR quality monitoring and evaluation with community participation developed, institutionalized and budgeted Stage 3 List and quality of NSP and OST service is regulated by state normative document (instruction, method guidance etc) based on needs of community Stage 2 Outreach, NSP and OST services are legal in the country (there no legal barriers for its provision) Stage 1

13 Scale 4. Civil society and PWUD community involvement in decisions on HR funding
CSO and PWUD make impact in state/local decisions on HR sustainability Final CSO and PWUD demonstrate: Capacity in HR budget advocacy Capacity in budget monitoring and watchdog functions Stage 5 CSO and/or PWUD community is represented in state/sub-national decision-making bodies Representation supported by open feedback and regular communication with PWUD community Stage 4 Joint vision and targets on advocacy is defined and agreed by CS and PWUD community Stage 3 Visibility of CS and PWUD community for decision makers and general public Stage 2 Stable existence of community and civil society systems (readiness to expand, structured leadership, regularity and openness of activities) Capacity to mobilize resources for sustainable work of CSO and PWUD community groups Stage 1

14 HR funding and procurements
Final Stage 6 Stage 5 Stage 4 Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Goal: To define separate line for PWUD in the national AIDS program and the state budget Progress: 1. HR budgeted in the draft of the national AIDS program based on IMG and SMG data 2. Centre for Hygiene and Epidemiology became in charge for HR Baseline for the Regional Program Country’s progress on the direction

15 HR funding and procurements
Прогресс: 1. Национальная программа на 2016 – 2020 гг. включает расходы на ПОШ, рассчитанные на основании стоимости оптимального пакета услуг на одного клиента программы 2. Центр гигиены и эпидемиологии отвечает за СВ Факторы успеха: 1. Переговоры и многосекторное участие (ВИЧ, полиция, наркополиция, сообщество, гос. СМИ) в Тбилисском Региональном Диалоге 2. Доказательная база на основе исследований IMG/SMG и с привлечением экспертов из Минфина Цель: 1. Определить отдельную линию для ЛУН в рамках Национальной программы по СПИДу и в государственном бюджете 2. Мониторинг предполагаемых и фактических расходов из средств ГФ и Государственной программы, анализ пробелов Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Final Baseline for the Regional Program Country’s progress on the direction

16 Measuring impact: Regional level
Focus on strategic response on HR funding: Key overview points: Systematic advocacy Resourced advocacy Evidenced-based advocacy Targeted advocacy Broadened partnerships Insights of regional influence from national outcome findings Interviews with EHRN and regional stakeholders

17 Measuring outcome: 4 Evaluation elements
Element A: Evidence base Use of evidence base for national strategic and policy documents Use of evidence to support HR advocacy Element B: Collaborative environment for funding HR Influence of stakeholders’ collaboration on sufficient, strategic and sustainable investments in HR Development of collaboration between international, regional and national stakeholders (PWUD community, civil society, health sector, governmental bodies) Element C: Media environment for HR Improvement of image of harm reduction Visibility of the HR topic in national/local environment Element D: Advocacy capacity building Visibility and involvement of PWUD community in national/local policy processes on HR Development of HR advocacy capacity of community leaders Development of budget advocacy capacity of civil society

18 Measuring outcome: 4 Evaluation elements
Comparison of baseline and achieved progress: Summary of baseline evaluation by 4 elements and their sub-elements (if applicable) Interviews with SRs and national stakeholders National level of influence Milestones: Regional level of influence Set of the principal outcomes Prepared by EHRN

19 Questions for interview with stakeholders by elements
Element A: Evidence base A1. How has evidence been used for national strategic and policy documents? A2. Has the collected evidence supported advocacy for sufficient, strategic and sustainable investments in harm reduction? Element B: Collaborative environment for funding HR B1. How did stakeholders’ collaboration influence sufficient, strategic and sustainable investments in harm reduction? B2. Has collaboration between international, regional and national stakeholders (PWUD community, civil society, health sector, governmental bodies) become broader and stronger? Element C: Media environment for HR C1. Has the image of harm reduction improved in national and regional (Russian-language) mass media and social media? C2. Has the visibility of HR improved in mass media? Element D: Advocacy capacity building D1. Has community become more visible and involved in national/local policy processes on HR? D2. Has HR advocacy capacity of community leaders grown? D3. Has budget advocacy capacity of civil society grown

20 Milestones by elements (as foreseen in the grant application)
Evidence base Collaborative environment for funding HR Media environment for HR Advocacy capacity building Develop regional methodology for harm reduction investment assessment Publish regional report "Harm reduction: the case for strategic investment“ Produce Evaluation Report Publish national reports "Harm reduction: the case for strategic investment“ Develop national advocacy strategies and plans Establish High-level Regional Harm Reduction Council Conduct First Drug Users' Forum Conduct High-level Policy Meeting Conduct Donors' Coordination Meeting (Year 3) Conduct EECA Regional Harm Reduction Conference (Year 3) Prepare detailed arguments sets and video materials & simple infographics Develop training module for community driven assessment: whether harm reduction services meet drug users' needs Needs assessment implemented by PWUD groups, initiatives and/or CBOs and needs assessment data included in national reports Develop training module on community-led advocacy and representation in decision-making bodies engagement Develop training module on documentation of good practices and peer to peer education Meeting (Year 3)

21 Monitoring output: 12 Aggregated output indicators
Element A: Evidence base Number and name of statements/strategic acts/ policy documents where HR evidences were used Milestones on evidence base development (number of developed documents on evidence base and their names) Number of policy briefs based on evidence base documents Element B: Collaborative environment for funding HR Numbers of national and regional advocacy meetings Number of unique participants (decisions makers, CCM, community and other partners) in advocacy meetings New partners (organizations) and events that brought the partnership (through joint-statement/joint-action) Partners with increased level of collaboration (to the high level) and events that brought the partnership (through joint-statement/joint-action) Element C: Media environment for HR The maximum audience reached (number of audience and percentage) Element D: Advocacy capacity building Number of national advocacy trainings of PWUD and civil society Number of unique PWUD participants in advocacy activities Number of unique trained PWUD Number of unique trained civil society participants

22 Monitoring process: detailed process indicators
Process indicators are organized by 4 elements Two levels of process are distinguished: regional and national The status of activity completion is included

23 Regional and national level by processes
Regional component: Strategic response on HR funding National component: Actions on HR funding Development of methodologies and tools Baseline assessment of current situation Development of training modules Development of regional advocacy strategy, plan and campaign Conduct of high-level events with broad participation Establishment of pool and participation of Opinion Leaders and Donors Provision of tech. support to decision-makers Development of media campaign Implementation of methodologies and tools National reports Conduct of trainings Development of two-year national advocacy plans and strategies Conduct of working advocacy meetings and national dialogues Participation of national decision-makers, partners and CCM Provision of technical support to community Media actions

24 Element A: Evidence base (1)
Phase Level Process Indicator Status Forming evidence base for HR Regional 1. Development of the methodology and tools for assessment of investments in harm reduction Developed regional methodology for harm reduction investment assessment Developed and published report in Y1 2. Baseline assessment of current situation in HR Developed methodology Conducted assessment Developed and published report in Y2 (currently in progress) 3. Development of the methodology for assessment and documentation of best practices of HR financing: Analysis of existing practices of financing and HGO contracting: advantages and disadvantages Developed review In progress Y3 National 4. Documentation of good practices and peer to peer education Number of documented best practices 5. Provision of technical support for implementation of projects on good practice documentation

25 Element A: Evidence base (2)
Phase Level Process Indicator Status Forming evidence base for HR National and regional 6. Development of a training module for community driven assessment: whether harm reduction services meet drug users' needs: National training Development of a training module (regional) Developed methodology and instruments for assessment of harm reduction services Number of trained participants Developed and published report in Y1 Conducted training for community in Y1 National 7. Implementation of drug users' needs assessment by PWUD groups, initiatives and/or CBOs: Provision of national technical support by EHRN on data collection and analysis Conduct of data collection and data analysis by SRs and SSRs Number of participants in focus groups Number of participants in questionnaires Data included in national report Provided tech. support in Y1 Assessment in Y1 8. Publication of national reports "Harm reduction: the case for strategic investment“: Current level of funding HR Needs and gaps in HR funding Prioritization of HR services and recommendations Published national reports Published report in Y1/Y2 Regional 9. Publication of a regional report "Harm Reduction: The Case for Strategic Investment“ Published regional report Published report in Y2

26 Element A: Evidence base (3)
Phase Level Process Indicator Status Planning National Development of two-year national advocacy plans and strategies: Development of national advocacy plans Development of country positions Development of technical support requests to donors National advocacy plans National country position Number of request for tech. support Provision of technical support by EHRN to SRs Developed plans in Y1 Country position Y2 Tech. request Y3 In progress Y1-Y3 Regional 2. Development of a regional advocacy strategy, plan and a regional campaign "Harm Reduction Works: Fund It“: Development of regional advocacy strategy Development of regional advocacy plan Development of regional campaign Regional advocacy strategy Regional advocacy plan Regional campaign outline Developed strategy, plan and campaign in Y2 Development of advocacy statements at the national and local levels Conducted meetings with focus on investments in harm reduction/ or harm reduction barriers Number of OFFICIAL* advocacy meetings; Number of participants Number of new national advocacy statements prepared and sent to national decision-making institutions in the form of written letters  In progress Y2/Y3

27 Element B: Collaboration between International, Regional and National Stakeholders (1)
Stakeholders groups Level  Process  Indicator Status High level harm reduction advocates (Opinion leaders) Regional 1. Conduct of national dialogues 2. Conduct of advocacy meetings with participation of regional advocates Number of round tables Number of Opinion Leaders participants Meeting results (statement, follow-up, if applicable) In progress Y2/Y3 3. Establishment of pool of High level harm reduction advocates Number of participants Number of meetings In progress Y1-Y3 National decision-makers National 1. Conduct of working advocacy meetings at the national level with participation of national decision makers Number of OFFICIAL advocacy meetings Number of participants decision makers 2. Conduct of national dialogues Partners Conduct of advocacy meetings with participation of partners Number of participants partners

28 Element B: Collaboration between International, Regional and National Stakeholders (2)
Stakeholders groups Level  Process  Indicator Status Donors Regional Conducted meetings with participation of different stakeholders groups: High-level Policy Meeting (Tbilisi Dialogue) Conducted Donors’ Meeting Conducted EECA Regional Harm Reduction Conference Conducted Drug Users' Forum (Moldova) Number of participants Number of donors participants Number of public (SRs and SSRs) participants Number of reports Resolutions Conducted in Y2 In progress Y3 Conducted Y1 and Y2 National Other conducted advocacy meetings with Donors and public participation Number of meetings Meeting results (statement, follow-up, if applicable)

29 Element B: Collaboration between International, Regional and National Stakeholders (3)
Stakeholders groups Level  Process  Indicator Status Community Regional and national Participation in national and regional meeting (and other events) Number of meetings Number of SSRs participants Number of regional meetings Number of national meetings Meeting results (statement, follow-up, if applicable) In progress Y1-Y3 CCM National 1. Conducted trainings on transitional processes and participation in the processes Number of trained participants Reports In progress Y2-Y3 2. Participation in CCM events by EHRN Presentations In progress Y2/Y3 Regional 3. CCM members’ participation in EHRN conducted events Number of CCM participants

30 Element B: Influence of Collaboration Influence on Investments in Harm Reduction (1)
Allies Target stakeholders Phase Level Process Indicator Status Opinion leaders, community partners National decision makers, CCM, donors Support of national advocacy activities on the regional level Regional Conducted high-level events to support national advocacy of investments: Drug users’ forum in Moldova Regional Dialogue in Tbilisi Donors meeting Number of meetings Resolutions Reports Number of participants Conducted in Y1 Conducted in Y2 In progress Y3 Opinion leaders, community, partners Relevant national bodies’ written statements/ decisions/adopted legal acts to provide financial or other kinds of support to HR programs, including the appearance of harm reduction interventions in strategies, programs, plans, budgets National 1. Conduct of working advocacy meetings at the national level Number of OFFICIAL advocacy meetings; Meeting results (statement, follow-up, if applicable) In progress Y2/Y3

31 Element B: Influence of Collaboration Influence on Investments in Harm Reduction (2)
Allies Target stakeholders Phase Level Process Indicator Status Opinion leaders, community, partners National decision makers, CCM, donors Relevant national bodies’ written statements/ decisions/adopted legal acts to provide financial or other kinds of support to HR programs, including the appearance of harm reduction interventions in strategies, programs, plans, budgets National 2. Conduct of national dialogues in 6 countries Number of dialogues; Number of requests for tech. support Reports Number of national decision-makers participants Number of donors participants In progress Y2/Y3 Regional 3. Provision of tech. support to decision-makers on harm reduction: Training Study visits Site visits Number of trainings Number of decision-makers participants Number of study visits Number of site visits In progress Y3

32 Element C: Media environment for HR
Stakeholder Process Indicator Status EHRN Development of media campaign as a part of advocacy campaign Advocacy campaign outline (process) Developed in Y2 Media actions Number of information products: Fact sheets Press-releases Media briefings Posts in social media (facebook, blog posts) In progress Y1-Y3 SRs and SSRs Journalists (media representatives) Conducted events with participation of journalists Number of contacts with journalists Number of journalists participated in events Number of produced information products on harm reduction of participated journalists

33 Element D: Advocacy capacity building
Level Process Indicators Status National Trainings: On community driven assessment: whether harm reduction services meet drug users' needs On community-led advocacy and representation in decision-making bodies engagement On documentation of good practices and peer to peer education Number of participated SSRs Conducted Y1 Conducted in Y2 In progress Y3 Provision of tech. support Number of participated SRs Reports In progress Y1-Y3 Needs assessment implemented by PWUD groups, initiatives and/or CBOs Number of participants in focus groups Number of participants in questionnaires Data included in national report Conducted in Y1 Documentation of good practices and peer to peer education Number of SSRs participants Developed review Number of documented best practices and regional Participation in advocacy meetings/events: Regional Number of meetings Number of participants SSRs

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