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Hydrologic Analysis (Bedient chapter 2)

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1 Hydrologic Analysis (Bedient chapter 2)
Learning Objectives Be able to describe watershed characteristics that impact runoff hydrographs (p96-100) Be able to use the Rational Method to predict peak flow (p ) Identify baseflow and direct runoff components of a hydrograph (p ) Use time-area methods to calculate a hydrograph from rainfall excess (p ) Determine the unit hydrograph for a watershed (p ) Use the S-Curve method to construct a unit hydrograph of different duration (p ) Use the unit hydrograph to calculate a storm hydrograph (p )

2 Rational Method Qp = C i A C = Runoff coefficient
i = intensity of rainfall of chosen frequency based on time of concentration tc = equilibrium time for rainfall occurring at the most remote portion of a watershed to contribute flow at the outlet (based on wave travel time) A = Area of watershed

3 Figure 2-1c

4 Figure 2-3

5 Time-Area Example A1 A2 A3 A4 Area (Ac) 100 200 300 Time to gage (hr)
A1 A2 A3 A4 Area (Ac) 100 200 300 Time to gage (hr) 1 2 3 4 Hour 1 2 3 Excess precipitation (in/hr) 0.5

6 A D hour unit hydrograph is the characteristic response of a given watershed to a unit volume (e.g. 1 in or cm) of effective water input (usually rain) applied at a constant rate for D hours Runoff (mm/hr) Runoff and Flow Flow (m3/s) Time

7 Determining the Unit Hydrograph

8 Hydrologic Response from the unit Hydrograph
Excess Precipitation Precipitation Infiltration Capacity Excess Precipitation Time

9 Limitations Linearity is violated when deeper water flows faster. Linearity generally taken to hold for large watersheds (> 100 km2) Rainfall is seldom uniform in space Effective input is very uncertain and depends on antecedent conditions

10 Figure E2-4

11 Figure 2-9

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