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My School Monaco Elementary by W.Dowd.

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Presentation on theme: "My School Monaco Elementary by W.Dowd."— Presentation transcript:

1 My School Monaco Elementary by W.Dowd

2 I will go to school at Monaco Elementary.
These are the front doors.

3 This is the front office.
This is the dome. It makes my voice echo.

4 The floor of the dome is very colorful
The floor of the dome is very colorful. The colors will lead me to each of the colorful hallways.

5 My class is in the blue hall.
I will walk past the clinic to get to my classroom.

6 I walk past the blue hall restrooms and water fountains.
I keep walking down the blue hall to my classroom.

7 In my classroom… I will hang up my backpack in my cubby. I will be ready to learn and have fun at school.

8 Other people and places at my school.
In the RED hall… Mrs. Lee Music Mrs. French Computer Lab

9 Other people and places at my school.
P.E. in the Gym Lunch in the Cafeteria

10 Other people and places at my school.
The Library

11 I feel excited about going to school and going to Kindergarten
I feel excited about going to school and going to Kindergarten. School will be so much fun!

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