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Multicellular Fungus: hyphae …

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1 Multicellular Fungus: hyphae …
Reproductive structure Hyphae Spore-producing structures Figure 31.2 Structure of a multicellular fungus 20 µm Mycelium

2 Cell wall Cell wall Nuclei Pore Septum Nuclei (a) Septate hypha
Two forms of hyphae Cell wall Cell wall Nuclei Pore Septum Nuclei Figure 31.3 Two forms of hyphae (a) Septate hypha (b) Coenocytic hypha

3 Fungus - have specialized hyphae
Nematode 25 µm (a) Hyphae adapted for trapping and killing prey Plant cell wall Fungal hypha Figure 31.4 Specialized hyphae Plant cell Plant cell plasma membrane Haustorium (b) Haustoria - penetrate cell walls of plants ++ or +-

4 Life Cycle of Fungi PLASMOGAMY KARYOGAMY Haploid (n) Heterokaryotic
Key Haploid (n) Heterokaryotic stage Heterokaryotic (unfused nuclei from different parents) PLASMOGAMY (fusion of cytoplasm) Diploid (2n) KARYOGAMY (fusion of nuclei) Spore-producing structures Zygote 2n SEXUAL REPRODUCTION Spores ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION Mycelium Figure 31.5 Generalized life cycle of fungi MEIOSIS GERMINATION GERMINATION Spores

5 Penicillium: a mold that decomposes food
Penicillium: a mold that decomposes food Mold produce spores asexually by mitosis. 2.5 µm Figure 31.6 Penicillium, a mold commonly encountered as a decomposer of food

6 The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in several stages of asexual reproduction by budding.
Parent cell Figure 31.7 The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in several stages of budding (SEM) Bud

7 Fungi and their close relatives
Animals (and their close protistan relatives) UNICELLULAR, FLAGELLATED ANCESTOR Nucleariids Opisthokonts Chytrids Figure 31.8 Fungi and their close relatives Fungi Other fungi

8 Fungus Diversity Figure 31.11 Fungal diversity Hyphae 25 µm
Chytrids (1,000 species) Zygomycetes (1,000 species) Fungal hypha Glomeromycetes (160 species) Ascomycetes (65,000 species) Figure Fungal diversity Basidiomycetes (30,000 species)

9 Life Cycle of the zygomycete Rhizopus black bread mold
Key Haploid (n) Heterokaryotic (n + n) Diploid (2n) PLASMOGAMY Mating type (+) Gametangia with haploid nuclei Mating type (–) 100 µm Young zygosporangium (heterokaryotic) Rhizopus growing on bread SEXUAL REPRODUCTION Dispersal and germination Zygosporangium Sporangia KARYOGAMY Figure The life cycle of the zygomycete Rhizopus stolonifer (black bread mold) Spores Diploid nuclei Sporangium ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION MEIOSIS Dispersal and germination 50 µm Mycelium

10 Some zygomycetes, such as Pilobolus, can actually “aim” their sporangia toward conditions associated with good food sources. Figure Pilobolus aiming its sporangia 0.5 mm

11 Ascomycetes - sac fungi
Morchella esculenta, the tasty morel Tuber melanosporum, a truffle Figure Ascomycetes (sac fungi)

12 The life cycle of Neurospora, an ascomycete
Conidia; mating type (–) Haploid spores (conidia) Key Haploid (n) Dikaryotic (n + n) Diploid (2n) Dispersal Germination Mating type (+) ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION Hypha PLASMOGAMY Ascus (dikaryotic) Conidiophore Mycelia Dikaryotic hyphae Mycelium Germination SEXUAL REPRODUCTION KARYOGAMY Dispersal Diploid nucleus (zygote) Asci Eight ascospores Ascocarp Figure The life cycle of Neurospora crassa, an ascomycete Four haploid nuclei MEIOSIS The life cycle of Neurospora, an ascomycete

13 Basidiomycetes club fungi
Maiden veil fungus (Dictyphora), a fungus with an odor like rotting meat Basidiomycetes club fungi Puffballs emitting spores Shelf fungi, important decomposers of wood Figure Basidiomycetes (club fungi)

14 Fungus-gardening insects: Leaf-cutting ants depend on fungus to digest plant material to a form the insects can use for their nutrition + +. Figure Fungus-gardening insects For the Discovery Video Leafcutter Ants, go to Animation and Video Files.

15 Variety of lichens + + Crustose (encrusting) lichens A foliose
A fruticose (shrublike) lichen  A foliose (leaflike) lichen Figure Variation in lichen growth forms

16 Anatomy of a common fungal ascomycete lichen
Ascocarp of fungus Soredia Fungal hyphae Algal layer Figure Anatomy of an ascomycete lichen (colorized SEM) Algal cell 20 µm Fungal hyphae

17 Fungal Diseases in Plants
Figure Examples of fungal diseases of plants For the Discovery Video Fungi, go to Animation and Video Files. (a) Corn smut on corn (b) Tar spot fungus on maple leaves (c) Ergots on rye

18 Staphylococcus Penicillium Zone of inhibited growth
Penicillium: Fungal production of an Antibiotic The mold penicillium produces an antibiotic that inhibits bacteria growth resulting in a clear area between the mold and the bacteria Staphylococcus Penicillium Zone of inhibited growth Figure Fungal production of an antibiotic

19 Review

20 You should now be able to:
List the characteristics that distinguish fungi from other multicellular kingdoms. Discuss mycorrhizal fungi. Describe the processes of plasmogamy and karyogamy. Describe the evidence that multicellularity evolved independently in fungi and animals.

21 Describe the life cycles of Rhizopus stolonifer and Neurospora crassa.
Distinguish among zygomycetes, ascomycetes, and basidiomycetes. Describe some of the roles of fungi in ecosystems, lichens, animal-fungi mutualistic symbioses, food production, and medicine and as pathogens.

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