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Behavioral Learning Guide Update

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1 Behavioral Learning Guide Update
Dr. Barbara J. Cooper Deputy Superintendent May 5, 2016

2 The Behavioral Learning Guides(BLGs) have clearly defined purposes
Provide students clearly-defined, expected behaviors Establish a clearly defined framework of progressive responses to inappropriate student behaviors Equip teachers/principals with the tools necessary for effective instruction and classroom management

3 Huntsville City Schools has presented the New Behavioral Learning Guides for Teacher, Staff, and Public Review Key Topics of Presentations: Progressive Disciplinary Consequences Creating a Positive School Climate Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Details of the Document Development of the Behavioral Learning Guides Learning the New Terminology Understanding the Response Levels Examples from the Behavioral Learning Guides

4 The BLGs Are Educator-Made, Educator-Driven Documents
The Behavioral Learning Committee 8 teachers and 8 principals who represented the following: Blossomwood Elementary Hampton Cove Elementary Lakewood Elementary Morris Elementary Providence Elementary Weatherly Elementary Whitesburg P-8 Huntsville Junior High McNair Junior high Columbia High Grissom High Huntsville High Lee High Johnson High The Committee spent extensive time working on and preparing the Behavioral Learning Guides.

5 January and February 2016 Work
The Combined Time Effort of the Committee Easily Approximated 1000 Hours January and February 2016 Work The Committee spent 5 full days (including a Saturday) meeting to develop and draft the Behavioral Learning Guides The Committee continued to meet with Dr. Alonso The Committee members worked on their own time by sharing the early drafts of the document with colleagues and working to develop content for the BLGs

6 Following the Committee’s Review, HCS Administrators Reviewed and Revised the BLGs
HCS Administrators, including the Superintendent, reviewed the BLGs and other input provided The Instruction Department immediately began working to implement some of the Committee’s suggestions The Superintendent, responding to the Committee’s suggestions about the need for additional support and as a result organized the Behavioral Learning Network and the Multi-Disciplinary Teams We also conducted feeder pattern meetings to provide opportunities for principals and teacher leaders to share feedback about student discipline. Adjustments were made based on the feedback received. Each time there was a revision to the document, HCS administrators reviewed the documents

7 In Addition to the Committee and HCS Administrators, Others Reviewed the Documents
Dr. Andres Alonso, the District’s discipline consultant, reviewed the documents and provided feedback and praised the documents The Department of Justice has also reviewed the documents and provided feedback and suggestions, and we have had numerous conversations with them about the documents Unlike the CSC, the BLGs, that are now being shared with faculty, staff, students and families, are the product of extensive work by educators. The real work of teaching and learning happens daily in our classrooms and therefore we are seeking feedback from our teachers.

8 Examples of Feedback Received on the BLG Comments Email
Clarification on how student parent might escalate if the behavior was repeated and/or intensified. Suggestion that the SRO be utilized more to intervene in non-safety related issues

9 BLG Communication

10 BLG Communication

11 Steps Taken from April – May to share the Behavioral Learning Guide and encourage feedback
April 20, Created a BLG Video April 23, Created and distributed the BlG Video and Superintendent letter with multiple ways to provide feedback April 26 – 27, Met with the BLG Liaisons at all Schools May 5, 2016 April 28, Discipline Reporting Application went live April 28-29, Restorative Practices Training: Counselors, CSO, Social Workers, AP’s and TOSAs April 29, Behavioral Learning Network convened to create supports for students with the most challenging behaviors MULTIPLE NOTIFICATIONS HAVE BEEN SENT OUT THROUGH SCHOOL CAST, MEDIA WAS INCLUDED IN THE NOTIFICATIONS

12 Steps Taken from April – May to share the Behavioral Learning Guide and encourage feedback
May 2-6, All 39 schools scheduled a BLG Feedback meeting with BLG Liaison, Staff and school leaders. Feedback will be sent to the Director of Behavioral Learning May 2, Town Hall meeting held for teachers and staff May 2, Town Hall meetings held for ESL Parents May 5, 2016 May 3, BLG was presented at the DAC meeting for teachers and staff, and parents May 6, Feedback period ends and the committee will begin reviewing the suggestions.

13 Steps Taken May – August to share the Behavioral Learning Guide and encourage feedback
May Revising the Problem Solving Team Manual May 16-17, 2016 Restorative Practices Training for Principals, Counselors, and MDT Members June- July 2016 BLG Liaisons will meet to plan the Professional Development(PD) workshops for schools during Teacher Institute August BLG Liaisons will meet monthly with the Director of May Behavioral Learning to provide feedback, update links and plan PD

14 Media Coverage of The Behavioral Learning Guide Drafts


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