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Research 5 different electronic toys

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1 Research 5 different electronic toys
Research 5 different electronic toys. Discuss how each of the toys operate and what educational value they have to the user Investigation

2 Xbox 360 – the Xbox 360 gives you eye coordination.
Remote control – the remote control helps you remember what buttons to press and it will help you remember work, password and how to remember the keyboard. Laptop- the laptop help you do unfinished work and research work. IPod- The IPod helps you download apps that relate to work and that you can also help you sum up plus, and timetables. TV-A TV can show you step by step how to build a piece of wood and other wood things.

3 Electronic circuits Switch- The switch turns off and on.
Battery- the battery gives it power. Wand- The wand acts like a switch Wire frame- The wire frame needs the wand to make the noise. Capacitor- the capacitor is like a recharger Resistor- The resistor limits the amount of power. Leds- The leds are like lights. Buzzer- the buzzer vibrates and makes noise when power gets to it.

4 Construction steps Step 1- you had to measure out the piece of wood you were given. Step 2- cut the piece of wood out with a saw. Step 3- drill a hole with the machine drill. Step 4- drill two small holes with battery drill. Step 5- glue all the pieces together. Step 6- get the buzzer and the battery connector and than get the hot glue and stick them underneath the frame. Step 7- drill 2 small holes for the leds. Step 8- put the leds in the back of the frame. Step 9- join the positive to positive and negative to negative. Step 10- get the wires and strip the ends. Step 11- twist the ends and the wire together. Step 12- solder the joins together . Step 13- hot glue any wires sticking up. Step 14- put the button in. Step 14- drill 2 small holes close to where the buzzer is and the battery connector is. Step 15- put bolts in them. Step 16- make a metal out of your choose. Step 17- than make to ends and make it into a loop. Sep 18- put them around your bolts. Step 19- than make a another hole near the battery connector again. Step 20- put a wire through it. Step 21-get a metal and make it into end a big loop. Step 22- put it around the design you make out of metal. Step 23- put the battery in and it will make a sound.

5 tools and what are there uses
Pencil- used to measure. Solder- used to stick in of wires. Hot glue gun- used to stick down the parts that are sticking up. Ruler- used to measure. Drill- used to make holes. Tenon Saw- used to cut wood. Wires- used for going throw holes and sticking together. Pliers- used to bend metal and stripping wire ends.


7 Evaluation What new skills did you learn during this project? Step by step how to build the buzzer box { don’t know what it is called} What did you like, dislike and why? I don’t like how you had to write the Evaluation. I like how you got as to do the task at the end. What did you think was good, bad and why? I thought it was good how we got to build a box { don’t know what it is called} l don’t like how l was rushed to do this task at the end. What could or would you improve/change if you had the chance? I would change how my box was design and l would have changed the picture.

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